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First day of the 2014-2015 school year check in

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This is my first go with figuring out how to do OUR morning time. We spent the first 30 minutes of the day and in that time I covered the fourth of July, talked about Francis Scott Key, promised to read the Declaration of Independence aloud and to look up a good recording of the Star Spangled Banner to learn ( I need sheet music for me!), discussed short stories, novels, and the fantasy genre, introduced E. Nesbit and discovered the danger of opening magical books with dragons on the pages!


We got through a review of telling time, and are fixing to undertake our writing for the week, have a spelling pretest, discuss Longfellow, and probably read the Wreck of the Hesperus. (Came up in our read-aloud and they are chomping at the bit for it.) So far productive and fun.


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We took a 6 week break and today was our first day back. The day went great! We got everything done in a decent length of time and there was very little complaining. I think the kids were as ready to get back to it as I was! They are winding the afternoon up with the fun little task of decorating a page to slip into their binder cover. I'm going to go make myself an iced coffee and read for half an hour or so!

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We ended up starting. Rambling alert ahead: We are doing things very differently this year, trying to do more a Circe-inspired, multum non multa, literature based, schole-inspired school. (Whew.) We made it through the morning and are finished except for our quiet reading hour. I have very mixed feelings about our new direction. I have been so ingrained by public school that this multum non multa idea really kind of scares me. I guess I'll re-evaluate at our 6-week point. I think the kids liked it. My ds was very hesitant about trying a new math, but he ended up really liking MEP. Our LA is solely based off WWE, but I think it went well. Morning time went well - we did a 2 hour block - and it flew by. There were a few glimmers of some good discussion, especially with my ds. My own background is the part that scares me into thinking that we aren't doing enough. On a personal note, I set up my phone so that I can listen to podcasts now while I exercise, so I'll get some good stuff in the mornings before we start - hopefully that will set my day! So, that's it. Hope everyone else's day went well!

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Today was our "first day" of the school year too!  It went pretty well.  DD had a bit of a hissy over her new spelling (Apples & Pears) but she got over it, and she was happy to start a shiny new BA book.  DS dove right in to Excavating English and I am sure he will love it.  Otherwise all the other stuff they did today was pretty much just a continuation of where they left off a few weeks ago (short break, more short breaks to come over the summer) so no big deal.  I need to figure out how to work in some more stuff for each of them while still maintaining the balance of summer ease we want to have, but we'll get there.

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Today was our first day back as well.  We only did science and history but it went pretty well.  After only 6 weeks off though he forgot how to write some of his letters, so he was frustrated about that.  We will do a 2 days a week for a few weeks, then a week off for VBS, then 2 days a week through mid August before we start back 4 days a week.

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The day went pretty well. We finished up around 1pm, and I didn't get to history or science due to a scheduled visit from the insurance company to view water damage. Oy.

Looks like I may well have to find another room to do school in for the next month while repairs are completed. I saved my floor once from the hot water heater, but I couldn't beat the sneaky, leaky dishwasher.

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i'm brand new to this, and started a "light" week last week.  Swim team just ended, so I started SOTW only for the first several weeks, heavy on the activities.  Then as August rolls around, I'll add other subjects.  I figured this was a good way to ease into it for my first year.

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Today was supposed to be our 1st day, but my cousin needed a last minute babysitter for her 3 kids while she worked a 12 hour shift. So, I've spent the last 10 hours holding a cranky, teething, 10 month old. (I still love her though.) ;) But, I can't image having a little one 24/7. And I LOVE babies! Guess I've lost my stamina after all these years. Mama needs a nap!


Tomorrow will be Day 1 for us. I'm kind of excited to get started again. May the enthusiasm last!

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I'm printing off our Circle Time memory work pages today! We're going to start off gradually in July, because of the way events played out. We're going camping this weekend, then mid-next-week I'll start with only my emerging readers' lessons for two weeks because my oldest will be away at camp. Then when he gets back at the end of July, we'll start the full deal minus afternoon lessons. Then afternoon lessons start in September. 

In the past I've always jumped in full-blast, but last year a friend "made" me start slowly and it was so much better! So hopefully this will work well for us again.

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