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AP at what grade?

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Based on others experience, which is more than mine as I have none with homeschooling, at what age would you start AP classes?


My back story is that my daughter is possibly ready for college level work...she needs depth and fast pacing to stay engaged, public school has been a failure...I don't really know what she is capable of beyond IQ scores... I am spending the summer looking high and low to research how I would go about homeschooling starting in high school...I never thought it would be something we would consider but public school has been an epic fail!

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Whenever they are ready and interested. My ds took chem and cal bc in 10th grade. They were the only 2 that interested him and the only ones he took. He DE at a local university and spent hrs on astronomy independent studies instead. My dd could have taken Eng Lang in9th, but she has no interest in APs. She is far more interested in doing our created lit studies and studying multiple foreign languages. APs are not the only way to stay interested and engaged. Look into MOOCs if you aren't comfortable with self-creating studies. The subjects that can be studied are innumerable.


Welcome and good luck!!

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My 8th grader is taking AP physics over 2 years.  A slower pace has allowed him to handle the higher level material, and there will be plenty of time for teaching him how to study for an external exam, which is a skill in and of itself.


Ruth in NZ

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My daughter took her first AP course (US History) in 10th grade.  I think she would have been successful a year earlier.


AP Human Geography seems to be a common first AP course in 9th grade.  Here's a link to Pennsylvania Homeschooler's online AP course offerings.  (Since you're unfamiliar with homeschooling, I'll mention that PA Homeschoolers is a well regarded private company that offers these classes.)  My daughter took AP Statistics through the company as a senior, and she/we found it a very valuable experience.




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I think it depends very much on your kids. My oldest did her first in 10th grade and could have started in 9th. Then my son decided he would start in 9th. Well - that was a waste of money and we had to get that AP result removed. He did great after that. My next son I told he would start in 10th - and he got awful results. The next year he took 5 and achieved AP scholar with distinction in one go.


Bottom line - they were all very capable of it but each reached the maturity to do well at different times. Perhaps the boys just needed one year to fail miserably to wake them up and they would have done well the second year no matter which year they had started.


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