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Sensory bins/boxes/bags, even for older kids!

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I suppose this post could also go in the Special Needs forum but I thought even those with kids who don't have special needs might appreciate this!


Long story short, some internet surfing last night had be thinking about sensory bins, boxes, and bags. One part even led to themed sensory bins. My kids LOVE

mythology and so I asked them both, separately, (they are almost 10 and almost 16) about what they would put in a sensory bin having to do with mythology. Wow,

did I get varied answers! I think they only agreed on two things. However, I'm thinking that since this week is a heavy work week for me, I may have them work on

Team-Building (working together to put the bin together), Negotiation (agreeing what to put in the bin and what they can leave out), and Accuracy (putting in items related to

actual mythology, not that from the Rick Riordin books, eg, a diet Coke for Dionysus) for schoolwork. B)


What say the Hive? Anyone else done something like this?

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