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ACT Changes

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My rising Senior took the ACT yesterday. Seems ACT changes are already underway. The reading section had many different kinds of questions than previously. More inference required. Of course, the time limit was the same, but it seems the questions required more thought, so it was harder to finish. Also, there was comparing of two passages--never had that before. The English also seemed different, but she couldn't be sure on that. She felt science had questions that you could not find the answers to in the info that was given and that you had to know the answer--testing content. Also, some kids had a fifth experimental section. ETA: To clarify, I was wondering with regard to the experimental section whether those kids also felt the test was somewhat different or if it was only the kids without the experimental section. 


You'd think they'd have forewarned that the June test would be different if, in fact, they made some changes. There are no prep materials for these changes. It does look like the test with the answers can be ordered, so we will be doing that. I wonder how these changes will impact the curve.


If your child took the ACT yesterday, did they notice changes? ETA: I posted a link in reply 8 in this thread to an article outlining changes. According to the article, the dual passage reading section is indeed something new.



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I had two children take the ACT yesterday. They didn't notice any differences. They have both taken the ACT before and did the practice tests in the back of an older ACT study book last week. They thought all of the sections were similar to what they have seen before and they have had the experimental fifth section before as well.


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Interesting. My daughter did not have the experimental section. I checked out the thread on college confidential and it seems many there are posting as well about these changes--that's what confirmed for us that something was different. Maybe the test with the experimental section did not have changes to the other sections? My daughter had just taken it in April, and she felt this was different. Did your kids have reading questions based off of two different passages? My daughter said she has not had anything like that when she's taken it previously from what she recalls.

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Dd said she did have questions based on two passages, but the two passages made up one question segment and the directions were clear that the following segment of questions would be on the two passages. She couldn't remember if there were two passages in one segment last time, but said she didn't find the questions any more difficult than usual. She thought the math was the hardest section - but that is typical. She always claims they never ask the math questions she knows. 

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DD took it yesterday, but this was her first shot at an actual ACT test.  She has done some practice testing at home with an older McGraw Hill prep book, but felt it prepared her as well as she needed it to.  She did not have any experimental sections, and found the whole thing relatively easy overall (except the math which we knew would be her weak area).  Of course, maybe we'll find differently when we get the scores back.  She did do the writing section, so maybe that eliminated the experimental section?

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No experimental section here. Ds did say he had questions based on the two passages. He did think it was a bit difficult. He just took the ACT in April and had a very high reading score. I hope that doesn't mess it up  :glare:


Same here. I don't know that any of the practice tests in the official practice book has anything like that in them.  

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Here is a quote from and link to an article I found: 


"Some of the reading comprehension questions -- to date based on single passages -- will be based on comparing or drawing information from two separate passages."

Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/06/06/act-unveils-changes-reporting-and-some-parts-its-test#ixzz34nfSp9ch 
Inside Higher Ed

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Guest Allly :)

My rising Senior took the ACT yesterday. Seems ACT changes are already underway. The reading section had many different kinds of questions than previously. More inference required. Of course, the time limit was the same, but it seems the questions required more thought, so it was harder to finish. Also, there was comparing of two passages--never had that before. The English also seemed different, but she couldn't be sure on that. She felt science had questions that you could not find the answers to in the info that was given and that you had to know the answer--testing content. Also, some kids had a fifth experimental section. ETA: To clarify, I was wondering with regard to the experimental section whether those kids also felt the test was somewhat different or if it was only the kids without the experimental section. 


You'd think they'd have forewarned that the June test would be different if, in fact, they made some changes. There are no prep materials for these changes. It does look like the test with the answers can be ordered, so we will be doing that. I wonder how these changes will impact the curve.


If your child took the ACT yesterday, did they notice changes? ETA: I posted a link in reply 8 in this thread to an article outlining changes. According to the article, the dual passage reading section is indeed something new.



I had this issue. I sat, staring at the last Science question on Saturday, wondering why on earth there was no correct answer! And I think I felt that way with a few others, too. Kind of frustrating.



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My rising Senior took the ACT yesterday. Seems ACT changes are already underway. The reading section had many different kinds of questions than previously. More inference required. Of course, the time limit was the same, but it seems the questions required more thought, so it was harder to finish. Also, there was comparing of two passages--never had that before. The English also seemed different, but she couldn't be sure on that. She felt science had questions that you could not find the answers to in the info that was given and that you had to know the answer--testing content. Also, some kids had a fifth experimental section. ETA: To clarify, I was wondering with regard to the experimental section whether those kids also felt the test was somewhat different or if it was only the kids without the experimental section.


You'd think they'd have forewarned that the June test would be different if, in fact, they made some changes. There are no prep materials for these changes. It does look like the test with the answers can be ordered, so we will be doing that. I wonder how these changes will impact the curve.


If your child took the ACT yesterday, did they notice changes? ETA: I posted a link in reply 8 in this thread to an article outlining changes. According to the article, the dual passage reading section is indeed something new.

Yes, my guy noticed it.


We had other issues with the testing site. They got started late and cut the break down from 15 min. to 5. The school was using classrooms in a wing of the building in which there were no bathrooms. It was a startling distance to the nearest set of bathrooms and the proctors told the students to not even think about trying to use the bathrooms because with a line of people waiting, they would never get back in time and would be locked out of the room. Two girls in his room really needed to go, but the proctor was adamant that she was going to start on time and they would not be allowed back in so they did not go. He said by the end of the science section it was clear that one of the girls was in pain. He managed to eat a granola bar during the break but since he was not going to be able to use the bathroom, opted not to drink anything.


I am truly sick of the standardized test craze in this nation.


Given the changes to the exam and the lack of break and restroom, he'll likely take it again in autumn and we will find a different test location even though that means a long drive.

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Yes, ds noticed that the English section felt different and that the Science section had what he felt were actual science questions.  The experimental section was there last year for my boys.  My son did not have an experimental section this year.  


I'm irritated with the whole process.  (Especially the part that has us leaving our home at 6:30 or so in the morning to drive on back roads with deer everywhere.  Couldn't they offer the test from 1 pm to 4 or 5 instead of only having an 8 am start?)

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Yes My DD noticed that the ACT test on June 14th was different than the one she took as a freshman. All of the prep she did using the red The Real ACT and other practice test from previous ACT tests did not prepare her for the test she took on Saturday. She was not happy because all the prep tests she took she did very well on, but very little of the prep material transferred to what was on the actual test. She did not do the piloted 5th section, math without a calculator, because it was a part of the test for those not doing the written section. 


All of this testing from SAT subject 2 tests, AP tests, SAT and ACT tests is frustrating. TOO much rides on test scores that may or may not indicate whether a student will do well in college or is prepared to do college level work. 

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