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Would you eat dinner or not?


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So, I have this "thing" I'm going to tonight. It is being hosted by some friends of ours. What I know is that it is 6:30-8:30, we were supposed to RSVP, and it is, in essence, a meeting. (Not work.) Would YOU eat dinner beforehand? I had planned on it, but then this morning I started thinking that if it is a dinner, I would feel really rude if we showed up and had already eaten. I did ask and have not gotten a response. So, not super important, but I'm curious what other people would think/do.

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So you knew about it through some sort of written invite or word of mouth?  There was never anything stated to indicate there would be food?


FB invite directly to me, no indication of food. (Although I wasn't sure if the fact that we had to RSVP was supposed to be a clue?)

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This reminded me of an invite years ago. My friend's parents told my husband and I to be ready at 6.30pm, as they were taking us out.


We were very excited, as those days we struggled financially, and had not gone out for dinner in years etc...


Anyway, ended up very hungry and in an Amway meeting!!!



Hope you had a better outcome. :-D

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