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Help me organize for next school year!!


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I've run out of space! And I'm getting frustrated with some of what we have, it's not very convenient.

I can't post pictures on here for some reason, so they are on my blog (link in sig). If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment here though!!


Here's a link directly to the post, for ease:



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Ok, I read your post on your blog. Here are my suggestions.


First of all, put a basket of some sort on the desk to catch all of the stuff you said that lands there and isn't school related.


Second, it looks like you have 3 shelves above the desk. Give each child a shelf. Oldest can have top shelf. Give kinder child the bottom one and include any manipulatives or puzzles they use.


Third, I have no idea what a monolith is, but it's super cool looking. :-) I would store all Art and Science stuff in there. Put the kits you are getting at the bottom. Can you angle it in a corner, so that it is easier to get to? I like to angle big things like that instead of having them flat against a wall.


Fourth, I love your built-in shelves! What is in the bottom cabinets? Move all of the adult books and albums to that last shelf that you said would be inconvenient for homeschool stuff. Use the rest of the shelves to store whatever books are going to be used for the current year. Make a shelf for any additional puzzles, etc. Keep the books the kids are currently using above the desk. Use the built-ins for books to be used throughout the year.



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Ok, I read your post on your blog. Here are my suggestions.


First of all, put a basket of some sort on the desk to catch all of the stuff you said that lands there and isn't school related.


Second, it looks like you have 3 shelves above the desk. Give each child a shelf. Oldest can have top shelf. Give kinder child the bottom one and include any manipulatives or puzzles they use.

I was thinking about that but the top shelf is really, really high.  Like, he'd have to be on top of the desk to reach it - standing on top of the desk, that is.  So that is best used for things that we don't need on a regular basis - I actually don't love that the globe is up there, because I can barely reach it myself.  :P

Third, I have no idea what a monolith is, but it's super cool looking. :-) I would store all Art and Science stuff in there. Put the kits you are getting at the bottom. Can you angle it in a corner, so that it is easier to get to? I like to angle big things like that instead of having them flat against a wall.

It would take up even more space if it were angled, and there isn't much space left there to begin with.  When Astro pulls his chair back from the table, he is against the monolith.  The bottom opens up and doesn't have any shelving space - a small, thin shelf on one side and a file drawer on the other.  I don't have files in it.  Because of the limited space there, it's really hard to get the two bottom doors open - they roll out to the sides the way the upper doors do.

Fourth, I love your built-in shelves! What is in the bottom cabinets? Move all of the adult books and albums to that last shelf that you said would be inconvenient for homeschool stuff. Use the rest of the shelves to store whatever books are going to be used for the current year. Make a shelf for any additional puzzles, etc. Keep the books the kids are currently using above the desk. Use the built-ins for books to be used throughout the year.

Bottom cabinets: board games, more board games, craft supplies, puzzles, movies, and more games.  They're full as can be, unfortunately!!  :/

I don't think I'd have room to move all the books over there - almost all the books on my built ins are my personal books, not kids books.  The kids have their own bookshelves in their rooms for their regular books, and often after I have assigned them one for school and they read it, it goes in there, too.  BUT I definitely think I can get at least a couple of shelves cleared off - hopefully!  I just hope it doesn't end up looking too kid-infested.  Those were supposed to be MY shelves!  :D  DH suggested building another shelf in our room for me to put our books in - meh.  I don't really want to do that, either.  





Those photos you have on your white shelves--

put them on the wall.  Then you can fill your shelves

with the books that don't fit.

Walls are full.  :lol:  :D  (Seriously, though... the hallway has the kids' yearly pictures, we have family pictures on one wall of the living room, large framed multi-prints of each of the kids on the wall with the window, and no more walls in the living area.  In the dining room there isn't any wall space left, either - another large print of each kid, plus the wall map, blackboard, and white boards.  I don't want big pictures in my room - we like the restfulness of empty walls in there.  Each of the kids has framed pics in their rooms, too.)


I know I probably sound like I'm just arguing with everyone lol.  But I really do appreciate the ideas, I promise!!  :)

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these are my suggestions:

First, be ruthless in what you get rid of. Go through the craft items/games and purge whatever you don't use/play regularly.

Second you mention ferrying rid of the monolith. Do it! put up shelves that you like.

Third, can you mount the speakers for the stereo on the ceiling? that would clear up some shelf space and give surround sound.

I would use the three shelves at the desk to store items the kids will be using this year. Put pretend you don't need right away on the top shelf and use the bottom two shelves and the space on the desk to place the books. If the second shelf is still too high, place items they will need as the year progresses up there and have the "now" stuff down lie (perhaps separated with bookends?)

Agreeing with a basket as a catch all.

That's all I've got. Good luck

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