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Pennsylvania people

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Why does PA not have any charter schools that operate like the one in CA which provides funds for the parents to use for educational pursuits? I keep daydreaming about starting my own charter school, but I think I probably do not have the necessary credentials to do so. But the amount of money that my local SD would pay to the local Montessori charter school is astounding -- I keep wishing I could get that money for my students! So why hasn't someone started that kind of charter school yet?

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There are many people who think that the reason there are so many home-based charter schools is California is that the state has no control over homeschoolers because they are private schools, with zero accountability. When people enroll their children in charter schools, the children become public school students and the state controls the education process (not to mention that the state gets funding for all of those children).


PA already controls its homeschooled children.

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