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Facebook Privacy question


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I have a few friend requests I am ignoring because I can't figure this out. 


When I share a status update or picture, I can choose who I want to see it. I usually have it set to "custom" and have a few friends who are always on the "do not show" list. For certain posts, I add names to that list so that they do not see my post or photo. (most of these are my kids' friends and sometimes I post things I don't necessarily want to share with a bunch of teenagers)


When I ADD a new friend - they can see everything on my wall, right? Do I have to go through my wall posts (which is SO ANNOYING to do) after I've accepted them and put them into the "do not show" list? 


This is way more complicated than it needs to be. I am thinking surely I am missing some magic button somewhere that shows... something.



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You can limit past posts and add them to your "no photos" list. This is assuming you have a list you use and don't select individual names each time you create a post. When you add them as a friend, use the "view profile as" feature to check what they can see.


My personal policy is not to add any friends I don't want to see pictures. I use to add them, but decided later it wasn't worth it if the security settings got changed, which happens frequently.

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The easiest thing I've found is to create (several) groups of friends. For instance; "college friends," "grad school friends," "teenagers," etc. Then when I accept a new friend request, it is easy to add the new friend to one of those pre-existing lists. If a particular post is custom set to exclude "teenagers," then once I add the new friend to that list, they can't see any prior posts that are set to exclude the group/list of "teenagers."

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Yes, I think you would need to do that, put a new friend on the "do not show" list for every post, before and after.


However, this is what I would do (and what I have done): anyone I accept as a friend is automatically a friend, obviously. But I made sub-groups, for Close Friends, Family, and Local HS Group Friends. Casual acquaintances are in none of those groups. My posts default to posting to those three groups, so if you're not in one of those groups, even though I've accepted you as a friend, you will generally see none of what I post -- profile pic changes, maybe, and maybe the occasional thing (like a birth announcement) that I send to my entire friends list, but not the everyday stuff and not most photos. I use those groups as filters because sometimes I have a question for local people only, so I just have the post go to Local HS Group Friends, so as not to clutter up other people's feeds. It's easier to have the post go to specific people than to take out the ones I don't want. (Although I do have a couple of teens on my Close Friends list, and once or twice, I have filtered them and only them out of a post.). So in your case, I would set up some group lists and slot people into one of those lists as soon as you make them friends. Somewhere, there is a setting about "limit audience for past posts," but since I keep my filters tight anyway, I'm not sure exactly how that works.

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