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Old Earth Christian science books


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I hope I'm not opening a can of worms here, but I just wondered if there was any good science curriculum that is Christian, yet takes an Old Earth standpoint.


And just out of sheer curiosity, does anyone know if Susan Wise Bauer believes in young Earth or old Earth?

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The science books from chc, including the new middle school life science are old earth/te/compatible with mainstream science without leaving things out to be "neutral." They are Catholic Christian.



Novare science is new. It is intended for classrooms and I don't think anyone on this board has used it yet but cathy duffy did a review of the physical science.


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I think SWB avoids this discussion because it's so volatile but the religion curriculum published by PHP is written by an Old Earth author which automatically put her in their camp according to Young Earthers.



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I haven't read either of these, but pulled them from a prev thread, from what I understand both support Creation (without Evolution) and Old Earth:


Hugh Ross's book "Creator in the Cosmos"


Does God Exist? is another ministry that examines science and faith together, they hold an OEC view. Their materials are free, including a monthly magazine and various books and DVDs that can be viewed online. All materials are free for loan, although there may be a fee for some - the fee is refunded when the materials are returned.

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I'm not aware of any Christian OE science curriculum, but RS4K and Elemental Science (both authored by Christians, I believe) eliminate or minimize discussions of age of the earth and evolution in their elementary science levels. You can then add in your own resources on those topics.


Both Seton and Catholic Heritage curriculum are christian and their materials are old earth friendly (age of the earth isn't a salvation issue to catholics and most that I know are OE) - they both publish their own materials. Kolbe uses largely secular science texts, but their lesson plans insert Christian content.

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I'm going to go Sassafras Science this coming year, Supercharged ecamp for the summer, And my own add ins. I'm able to work those with our Old Earth Perspective. We did R.e.a.l science last year and found it lacking and boring, but many like it.


Reasons.org has a page on it's sight about OE friendly curriculums.

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