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The Potter's School: how much religion in the classes?

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I am looking for an Arabic class for DS (10). I know about CTY, and he will take the test, but frankly I have no expectations that he will make it.


Potter's school has a class, wondering how much Christian content will make it into the class. I can tolerate some religion (of all sorts) but if it's the sort of thing where's it's front and center, I'll have to reconsider. Oddly, I am more OK about learning about the Quran because I know that is essential to the language.

As an aside, I am astonished at how few Arabic resources/apps/etc. are there. Especially for a younger child.

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Dd, a devoutly secular homeschooler ;), chose TPS for Arabic over the other choices. She says she'll "deal with" the verse memorization.


If the religious content is too great, dd will either switch to the BYU self-paced class or we'll cough up the $$$ for an in-person class at the university.

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No she'll be taking it starting in the fall.


Did you read the info on the website? The verse stuff is in the course description. It really doesn't seem like much religious content as compared to a literature or history class (:eek:)


There are no local Arabic classes here, except for at the university. If only dd wanted to take Mandarin we'd be all set for local classes!

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:confused1:  I admit only looking at TPS this spring when I was (still am) searching for online Spanish I classes -- but I didn't realize it wasn't a secular online school.  :huh:


"Students will be expected to do approximately three hours of homework each week, which includes memorizing vocabulary and Scripture in Arabic, learning new grammar concepts, and reviewing concepts from previous lessons. "


  1. Bible Verses and Christian Songs:
    — 1- Praying in Arabic.
    — 2- Memorizing verses in Arabic.
    — 3- Reading and writing verses from the bible in Arabic.
    — 4- learning many Christian songs in Arabic.
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