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CAT scoring


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This our first experience testing. So, at what point does CLP give you the online scores? Do you have to take all the tests in 1 day? I'm hoping this doesn't show that i'm doing a horrible job at homeschooling. Totally kidding. Partly. Breathe. Breathe. I don't even have to turn in her scores. I don't know why I'm nervous.

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I'm waiting for my 3rd grade son's results!  I'm actually excited but this isn't my first time around the block.   :p  I like knowing that we're on track, and it's a real confidence booster for me to see them doing well.


The first few years of testing (we start in 3rd partly because it's required and do testing every year even though it's not required) are not that big a deal to me, really.  I mean, I'll focus to some degree (depending on what it is, spelling yes, grammar not so much)  on weak areas and what not, but I don't stress.  Especially, if it's language arts related and something covered in greater detail each year in their curriculum.  Math is something I do expect mastery of the material covered though in school work and more so on tests than lang. arts in the younger years. When they get 5th/6th grade is when I start expecting more and more mastery of the material. 

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We just took it today. You can take as long as you want to complete the test as a whole If I understand it correctly. But once you start a section you have to keep at it. So, for example, if you start Math Computation, you have X minutes from the time you click start test. Each section has 1 or 2 sample problems before you begin. The test results were available right after she did the last section. For the "entering third" test it took a couple of hours, we pushed through and did it all this morning. There was a wee bit of bribery to keep at it and we did the more challenging for dd sections first to keep the momentum going. :)

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