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Lial Algebra--Do we need to finish the whole book?

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We have been slowly (and painfully) working through Lial Introductory Algebra.  My son is in 9th grade, and math does not come naturally to him, nor does attention to detail, which is what I think is the real problem.  I really want to be done for the summer :glare: but we are only on chapter 7.  Since this is considered a college text, does it have more content in it than standard HS algebra texts?  I need to know if we need to continue plodding through the whole book, or stop at a certain point. 

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Yes, you should cover all of the concepts in the Lial text.  It is a college level text only in that it is used in remedial courses at the college level - basically, it's another chance for college students to learn high school level math.  Do you have the Digital Video Tutor supplement?  It's helpful for getting the big idea across.  You still need the text for the details.  You might consider having your ds do every 4th problem instead of just the odds. 

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You need to complete at least chapter 8 to be prepared for Geometry (that chapter contains radicals).  Chapter 9 is quadratics/parabolas and contains the quadratic formula and completing the square--typical Algebra 1 concepts.  BTW chapter 9 seems to 'put all of the pieces' of Algebra 1 together so it is also an important chapter. 


The Lial Algebra texts are typical high school level texts.  The 'college' part is in the set up-- the whole teaching lesson is in the student text (instead of a few sparce examples)-- this makes the text more independent for older students.



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