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Fun engineering kits for little girls

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I remember hearing about the development of Goldie Blox a while ago, and then forgot all about it until I stumbled across this on Amazon. They have several different kits out, and they all look fantastic!!! Guess what my girls are going to be getting soon?




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I looked at those, but decided to go with a "Roominate" kit. It doesn't look perfect, but more flexible, and I'm hoping it will work with the Polly Pockets they seem to have so many of. I'm hoping to hack in a lighting system with them - at least some old xmas bulbs on a battery pack.


Really, though, I don't think the sets hold a candle to Legos.

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I guess I don't get the comparison to Lego.  The Goldie Blox sets seems designed to teach little kids how they can change the direction of force, which you can get with the Lego Technic kits, but the little kids version of Lego is almost entirely stationary pieces.  The newest reviews did seem negative, but the toy still gets a 4 star rating, so I think we'll give it a shot.  I'll report back once we have a chance to play with it a bit.

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I have found two of the sets at our local thrift store - While having one set is ok, having two makes all the difference.  With only one set, there are barely enough pieces to get very creative with it.  For example - with the first set (The Spinning Machine one referred to above) DD6 quickly went through the book, then started exploring on her own.  But she kept getting frustrated as there weren't enough pieces to make the design she had in her head.  She wanted to make the base a car (the "Parade Float" set wasn't out yet) - and while there were enough wheels, there weren't enough blocks to make proper axles for 4 wheels, only enough for 2.   So we made a very wobbly car and then had hardly any parts to put anything on top. 


On the Goldie Blox  website you can look up different designs to make with the kits, but many of them need more parts than what comes in a single kit - how disappointing is that?!  You can purchase an "Bits and Blocks Expansion kit" for $10.  This would certainly make a difference, although when I tried to pre-order around xmas, they cancelled my order and never sent me an email letting me know when they were in stock. 


Since then I've found the "Parade Float" set at a thrift shop - having those extra parts has really made DD's creations take off.  But having them in hand, I would not have paid full price for them.  They're enjoyable, but to pay $40 - $60 just to have enough pieces to be creative is just not worth it.  You get a better value from Lego or Magnatiles/Magformers.  I know, I know, not the same type of building, but a better creative value nonetheless.

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The reviews have been so disappointing...When I first heard about GoldieBlox and saw the videos I was so excited, because I was sure it was something my story-loving DD would get into.


As an alternative I've had this in my shopping cart for months, the reviews are mostly positive.




ETA: I remember looking at the glowing reviews as well, and many/most of them ONLY had reviews for the GoldieBlox sets. Fishy...

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