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Help! I need tips to lose the baby belly!!


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A neighbor asked me if I am pregnant again, and well....I'm not :crying:


Baby #4 is now 18 months and I still have a baby belly.  I gained a lot of weight w/ that pregnancy (high-risk pregnancy/bedrest) and due to scheduling difficulties I have not been able to exercise as much as I would like.  I have lost all the weight, but I have not been able to lose the belly.  I am a healthy weight for my size, I'm not over-weight.  I lost the belly after all my other babies, but this one is hanging on.  I guess that is what pregnancy after 35 does to you :glare:


I eat well, but I could eat better so that is the first thing.  Second thing is I need to take more time for myself and get to the gym.  But what can I do to speed things up?  I'm going to cut out dairy as I have a love for dairy but it doesn't love me and it bloats me.  I've heard about these waist trimmer belts, do they work?  Is there something I can wear under my clothes to suck it in while I work at this?  Help!  I'm feeling rather humiliated :(



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Cut out sugar and/or grains for a few weeks. Do some Pilates or Yoga to tighten up your core. Work in some exercise that you can do with kids, such as walking, so you don't have to work so hard to schedule it in. :-)

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Have you been checked or checked yourself for diastasis recti?  About 1/3 of women have it after pregnancy.  The two halves of your rectus abdominus are split if you have diastasis recti.  Traditional ab work like regular crunches can make a diastasis worse, so it is important to know if you are dealing with it.


I have a diastasis, but closed it up a LOT using the Tupler Technique.  A total pain, but I'm glad I did it.


She has videos on self checking. 




I would start there.

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With the last baby, the hospital gave me an abdominal binder. I hadn't used one for my first two, but I'll definitely use it for the next baby. Not only did it make it easier for me to get in and out of bed, but it appeared to bring my muscles back into shape faster. It was larger, tighter, and more supportive than the waist trimmer belts; the binder covered me from just below my ribs to the top of my hips. Be warned though, there is going to be a pooch. After my first two, I was involved in fitness activities and my body fat was down to 11%. Even though you could see my stomach muscles, I still had excess skin on the lower half of my belly.

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Have you been checked or checked yourself for diastasis recti?  About 1/3 of women have it after pregnancy.  The two halves of your rectus abdominus are split if you have diastasis recti.  Traditional ab work like regular crunches can make a diastasis worse, so it is important to know if you are dealing with it.



How did you know you had this?  Did you check yourself?  I'm not sure if I'm checking it right.  I think there might be a bit of separation, but I'm not sure.  I do suffer from a lot of back pain, so it would kind of make sense.


ErinE, would an abdominal belt be suitable for me since I'm so many months post-partum?  Would it help strengthen my weak muscles?


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Yes-check for diastasis!  One warning: The experts are divided on whether or not a splint will help you and especially whether it's safe for people at risk for pelvic organ prolapse.  If you have any stress incontinence, it would be highly recommended you avoid splinting/binding.


I also get asked if I'm pregnant a lot.  Nope, I'm just pear shaped and any extra weight gives me a preggo belly.  I don't even have DR.  


For stomach exercises, really you need to lose overall body fat.  Working just one muscle group will not help much.  However, you can tone and correct the post-pregnancy muscles to help out.  I have found Suzanne Bowen's Core DVD very helpful (check youtube first-she has two of the segments on there).  Do Diastasis/transverse exercises even if you're uncertain if you have DR-just do them correctly.  Lindsay Brin's Core DVD is ok, but long when you have kids around, and the exercises would not be good for DR moms.  Jill Miller's Core Integration DVD is looooooooong but it's easy to do with kids around, works on more than just a "six pack" and full core integration and stabilization, and it's really relaxing.  That would be my top choice.  She has a quicker one-Coregeous.  Cheesy name, but it is quick, brief, requires minimal equipment (Hi bounce balls x2, a partially deflated softy ball, a big book or yoga block), and is progressive.  I can crank that one out in 10 minutes since I've done it so often, and you can REALLY tell a difference to back pain, too. 


Weight loss-here's what's helped me in the past:


1. Drink a glass of water before every meal or snack.


2. Eat your vegetables first-a veggie snack tray as an appetizer works especially well. I make myself eat some even before a treat like ice cream.


3. Check for food sensitivities/allergies.  My wheat allergy bloats me up like the Stay Puft Man.  Lactose intolerance is common and bloating.  Make sure you get the proper nutrients, but do check for any foods that are affecting you if you have other symptoms like GI disturbances. 


4. Don't crash diet.  Make healthy changes.  Some people find going paleo helps them lose weight.  Some go Primal, some low carb.  Others go vegan.  Whichever you choose, don't deprive yourself-stick to whole foods and not food "replacements" and make it a sustainable choice.  

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How did you know you had this?  Did you check yourself?  I'm not sure if I'm checking it right.  I think there might be a bit of separation, but I'm not sure.  I do suffer from a lot of back pain, so it would kind of make sense.


ErinE, would an abdominal belt be suitable for me since I'm so many months post-partum?  Would it help strengthen my weak muscles?



Well, I'm a PT so I knew I had it after my first pregnancy.  I am petite with a proportionately short torso, so when I am pg, my belly goes waaaaay out in front of me.  That certainly didn't help.  My midwife also checked me at my post partum appts, but I already knew I had it.  And...I didn't do anything about it until after my third pregnancy (stupid, stupid, stupid of me, especially as a PT, but alas, healthcare people are sometimes terrible patients).

Yes, you can check yourself.  There are videos on youtube with suggestions on how to self check. 


The splint was helpful for me but I don't have prolapse.  I like the tupler style one with three "arms" as it makes it easier to bring the two halves of the rectus together vs. a compression style splint that tends to just smoosh and flatten.

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I think I may buy Tupler's book.  Was it helpful?  I figure it can't hurt, even if I don't have diastasis it would be good to strengthen these muscles. 


Thanks for all your advise, I'm going to try all the suggestions.  My self-image took a pretty big hit.  I'm a size 6 and thought I looked pretty good.  I knew my body isn't what it used to be, but I didn't think I looked that bad :(

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I think I may buy Tupler's book. Was it helpful? I figure it can't hurt, even if I don't have diastasis it would be good to strengthen these muscles.


Thanks for all your advise, I'm going to try all the suggestions. My self-image took a pretty big hit. I'm a size 6 and thought I looked pretty good. I knew my body isn't what it used to be, but I didn't think I looked that bad :(

Girl, people are RUDE! I can't imagine how someone would think you're pregnant when you're a size 6.... Next time say "I was just going to ask you the same thing"....


Seriously, maybe they just thought to ask because your child is over a year and they thought the timing was right. I'm sure you look great, but do what you think you need to do. Hugs.

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