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Craft and Hobby enthusiasts - May Edition


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I haven't started a new thread since March!  :blushing:    April was  a bit of a blur.



I haven't done much in the crafting department since March.  I still have one thing on my loom, that's been there FOREVER.  I did go to the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival and saw some wonderful things... and added a bit to my stash..


So, inspire me!  What has everyone been working on?  What have you completed?  Is anyone taking up a new hobby/craft? 

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I'm making three rag quilts in a throw size for my kiddos before the baby comes in a couple of weeks. I started last week and have one done except for the rag-cutting. I'm trying to hide the two for the older kids, so I can only work on them at night. The first one went together easily and looks pretty cute! I based my plans on this tutorial: http://www.thewonderforest.com/2012/07/easy-peasy-diy-rag-quilt-tutorial.html but modified size and strip width and am using quilting cotton for the top layer. I don't think this qualifies as real quilting, but they're my first "quilts." :)

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I'm working on a couple of things - mostly recycled t-shirt yarn projects. I am doing one big crocheted rug, and puzzling out how to do another. I want one that is big enough to cover a large space in our living room, but yet is machine washable without having to go to the laundry. I am thinking of doing it in strips / squares, then joining them with a contrasting color so it's easy to undo for washing.



On the back burner I have plans for a quilt for my bed, using an older scratchy polyester blanket as the stuffing. And doll clothes - dd wants American Girl size stuff. Going to use the free patterns & make her up a bunch for Eid & Birthday gifts.

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Debbi - how was the Maryland Sheep & Wool festival? I wish I could have gone!! Tell us more - what did you add to your stash?


zoobie - I have always wanted to quilt but was intimidated by all the exact cutting, etc. This rag quilt tutorial looks totally doable!  Thank you for posting the link. Aren't you going to show us your quilt? :)


I've been trying to settle down and actually finish one of my million knitting projects. I have several socks that need mates, a couple blankets, and I'm fighting a losing battle with a fingering weight cardigan I've been knitting off and on for almost a year.

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zoobie - I hope you share a photo when you're done.  The one in the link looks so cute and simple too. 


Ameena - it will be interesting to see how you can make something that can come apart for laundering.  But, I think it would be hard for something that will get a lot of wear/tear.


Mothersweets - It was fun, except I spent far too long wasting time at the Spinning/Weaving Auction.  I had a few things on my list to bid on, but after almost 2hrs of them not coming up (there was a lot of stuff), I gave up.  There were *a lot* of people too - so I don't think I would have gotten any fabulous deals.   I only added about 4-5 yarns to my stash and I bought a handwoven shirt from a vender I really like.  I can't figure out how to share a photo.  Flickr has changed :glare:  and now I can't post photos the way I used to do it.  It was a beautiful day... I could have stayed at least another hour or more (we were there from 11-4), but my daughters wanted to leave.  I warned them before they came, but I don't think they realized how long I really wanted to stay.  There were so many venders - and I found it overwhelming between the crowds and all the stuff to look at.  Definitely got stimulation overload.  :laugh:   Next year I think I may add some of my stuff to the auction. 




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I will share pics when I'm done! :) 


melissamathews, there are some decent Brother machines on amazon. I bought this one for my stepmother 4 years ago, and she loves it: http://www.amazon.com/Brother-Feature-Rich-Built-In-Auto-Size-Buttonholes/dp/B000JQM1DE/ You can also search thrift stores for the old, solid metal babies. She wanted one that threaded itself and had some computerized stitches even though she has an old, metal workhorse type. Costco carries some sewing machines around holiday time. That would get you the nice return policy in case you got a lemon. I would avoid White and the new, cheap Singers. 

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My oldest lost her first tooth yesterday, so I very quickly made this special pillow with a pocket for her to put the tooth in.  Joann's didn't have any tooth fabric or fairy fabric, so I just went with things I knew DD would love.  




I was going to say I've been otherwise lax on the hobby front, but then I remembered that a couple of weeks ago I made this name plate for DS's room, which has a whale theme.





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