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Advice for what to use with my 7yodd..


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I was going to put her in a private school but they wouldn't take her b/c she isn't reading fluently. She can read bob books and knows the rules, but is hesitant with blends. She is also my wiggly giggly gal who would rather be dancing and singing Hannah Montana songs all day.


I have 1st grade Abeka b/c that is what the school told me to buy before they tested her. I used BJU K with her loosely last year, and then part of first grade with the DVD's. She would watch the lessons, but when it came to book work time, if I wasn't there watching she would skip it. I know this is a discipline issue, but honestly, I had so much going on this past year (bc scare for me, my dad's dementia, my mom's illness, etc) that I didn't pressure her.


Should I just do either the Abeka or BJU 1st grade with her without the DVD's? I guess time would be an issue for me, and if the DVD's take longer, I would prefer to just teach myself.


I am feeling guilty now and wondering what the hay to do. She is definately a kinesthetic learner. My two middle ones were too, and required outside tutoring for reading. They are reading fine now, but it has been a long road. They are doing 2 grade levels behind in BJU reading and english still.


I am blessed in that my youngest is an eager beaver, just like my eldest who was reading at five and is a genius. She is in private school this year and I know that it was a good decision for her.


I am considering K12 virtual charter for my 7th grader who needs accountability, but I am afraid of too much interference from the govt, KWIM?

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If you have Abeka/Bob Jones already I would go with that and just be consistent with her schooling. It doesn't have to be long but consistent.


Another option would be to try something that would get her started a little quicker, sort of a boost and then have her return to Abeka/Bob Jones.


I am currently using The Reading Lesson with my 5.5, 6 & 7yr old. The 6 & 7yr. old will be 7 & 8 by the time school starts. It doesn't boggle the child down with a lot of rules. It just concentrates on them reading. For instance it doesn't give a rule for ur, ir but it does tell the child the sounds. Once my kiddos are done with this I will start them with R&S Phonics 2 for getting those rules down. I didn't buy all the bells & whistles with this. I just purchased the book.


But if it's just a blending issue and she knows how to read than maybe just being consistent with what you currently have will do the trick.


You know my kids like Alpha Phonics too. It has lots of games.



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If you have Abeka/Bob Jones already I would go with that and just be consistent with her schooling. It doesn't have to be long but consistent.


But if it's just a blending issue and she knows how to read than maybe just being consistent with what you currently have will do the trick.



I understand. I have a struggling-to-read fluently 7yodd. The only thing that needed to happen is for me to be consistent. If you are too busy, then the decision to homeschool may not be the best for your family. I think I recall you are taking on work at home, right? No matter what you use it will still be a matter of concentrated, consistent work with your daughter.


Sorry if I sound harsh- I don't mean too, really. Just know that I have had to face this issue head on recently because of a insane past year (and the year to come isn't going to be much easier- new baby, dh deployed, yadda, yadda). It really came down to me deciding what is in the best interest of this child- I will be held accountable for this decision one day.


I wish you the best with *all* that is on your plate!



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I agree that being consistent is the key. We love Abeka phonics, but only use the Handbook for Reading and Letters & Sounds workbooks, not all the bells and whistles or Curr. Guides. My kids preferred real books as opposed to readers when they got to that point. I just had my kids read a page a day from the Handbook and do a page in L & S. My son, also 7, read through the Beginners Bible last year (with me)..he read a story aloud to me each day, with me making corrections as we went. That did a ton to help his reading skills. but some kids just don't get it until they are good and ready.:001_smile:


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I'd just use what you have if you like it...but one thing that I just started this year w/ my ds is breaking up his reading time. Technically I have him do 10min at the beginning of school and 10min later in the day...but since it's the beginning of the year and we're doing some review, it's probably even less than that. I found that he can concentrate in all other subjects except reading, so he does best with short focused sessions.

Also rather then waste my time while he stares at the stars ;), I tell him to look over his story and let me know when he's ready to read it to me. That way I can empty the dishwasher or whatever, while he's sitting next to me. Both of these have made reading alot better for us this year.

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