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CLE Bible sunrise edition


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CLE Bible one and two is simply Bible stories with pages to color.


In the LightUnits, there is the coloring page or little activity on one page, and a simplified version of the story on the other.


The Teacher's Manual contains the directions for the activities and the main, longer, and more in depth version of the story.


You probably could get by without the TM, but as with anything CLE makes, most of the program is in the TM.

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My dd has loved CLE Bible. This is her second year doing it, and she is currently finishing up the last light unit for 3rd grade and has asked to do it again next year. I plan to have my first grader start it next year as well. The 1st and 2nd grade levels require some parent involvement, but my dd is able to do the 3rd grade entirely on her own. I wouldn't do it without the TMs because they contain the LU answers and more detailed stories for the 1st and 2nd grade levels. They also contain some discussion questions which are helpful.

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Perogi, Why do you start in grade 3 ? just curious.... Maybe I will do the same.

Grade 1 and 2 are really just Bible stories with some coloring, dot to dot, hidden picture, etc activities. Grade 3 starts introducing info about Jewish culture, mapping, has questions to answer with each lesson.


We always do a family Bible time anyway so my little learners are already getting that and CLE in the early years seems more like busy work. We also have an early reader Bible the kids read through starting in grade 2 so I guess I just already had things in place that seemed to meet the same objectives of CLE at that level.


In grade 3 there is a lot more meat to the program which then adds depth to what we do together as a family. It is also more independent at that stage, which is nice.


The CLE samples are great - I'm sure if you look thru you'll get a sense of whether or not it would be meeting your goals. Hth.

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We started using CLE Bible a couple of years ago.  My boys really like it.  I didn't use Grades 1&2 because they are optional and teacher-intensive.  By Grade 3, the boys could read and do it by themselves.


We did the whole course in one semester this school year--and they were sad about it.  It's meant to be done 2-3 days a week over the course of the year.  I could have jumped into the 5th grade book, but we were doing a lot of Bible in MFW, so we've waited--but it's sweet to hear how much they enjoy the lessons.


We have done 3rd and 4th grade, and they are both similar--story to read, questions from the story, review from previous stories--2 quizzes and a test per month.


My boys are one grade apart schoolwise, so I've had them both do the younger's grade level, so they could do the same book at the same time and we could discuss--like this year, my 4th and 5th grader both did the 4th grade Bible.



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