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BFSU book format?


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This might be a silly question, but if you use BFSU, is it the type of book that is well-suited to kindle use? I can't help but notice that the kindle version is much less expensive than a hard copy, and while I try to use hard copies for books the kids will read, I'm considering kindle editions for myself. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thank you.

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I got a paper copy, just because I like to be able to highlight main points in the lesson plan so i can glance at it while I'm teaching from it.  But other than that, I can't think of a reason it wouldn't work just as well as an e-book.  

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I got a paper copy, just because I like to be able to highlight main points in the lesson plan so i can glance at it while I'm teaching from it.  But other than that, I can't think of a reason it wouldn't work just as well as an e-book.  

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I actually think you should buy the cheaper Kindle version and decide if you even want to use it.  I hate to say it, but a lot of people get the book, are in love with the idea of it, and never end up using it because it is a lot of work to implement.  If science were the only subject I had to do, not a problem. 




LOL. That's probably a good idea. I'm trying to start the prep work early, so that I'm ready for fall. :)

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I agree with SparklyUnicorn. We are into book 2, I like it, we use it, but it is not for everybody. I pencil notes in the margins, but really, you could set up your own system without the hard copy. It will work for you or it won't, the version you get probably won't affect the final outcome. Go cheaper!

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I use the e-version, and it hasn't been a problem, although it's a little difficult navigating. (I wish it was an epub so that chapter headers were linked.) I end up using bookmarks and the search feature a lot. Someone recently mentioned they annotate the PDF on their tablet using Adobe...I'm planning to try that next time I feel notes would help. In the long run, I'd actually rather have e-books for resources like this, it makes them much easier to keep track of, and much handier to review during a lesson rather than trying to flip through pages. I do sometimes take notes on a separate tablet though, just to remind myself of chapters I'll need to buy or prep for. I'd do that even with a hard copy, though.

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I have been using the $5 ebook for about a year. We are halfway through. I like that I can read no-handed. I plan to go electronic for the next volume as well. I can highlight in PDF note but I haven't found it necessary yet. For the second half of the book, I am pulling out the objectives and discussion questions and putting into a separate document to give to my ds to make notes. I can c&p with iBooks. Idk if there is a similar workaround on a kindle, but that is one benefit to the electronic version if you have that option.

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I have the first book in hard copy and had the second book as an ebook. I am buying the second book in hard copy because I just can't stand a reference book in ebook format. I like to flip back and forth and all that stuff. Having to click through things, etc is just a huge pain in the patootie for me. I can't stand cookbooks on kindle either.

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I have the first book in ebook, and it is workable (especially if I make my own bookmarks and notes to jump to) but I really wish I could flip back and forth and just dog-ear pages for the different threads. If we go to full-time homeschooling I think I'll splurge on hard copy.

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I have all three volumes in paper, and 2 and 3 also in ebook.  I very rarely use the ebooks.  The way I prefer use BFSU involves a lot of margin notes and flipping around from the flowchart and referring to different lessons and I can really only do that with the paper.  I do like that I can keep it on my kindle just in case an impromptu physics lesson breaks out when we're out and about.  It happens. :)

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I have the hard copy for book 1 and have used it very easily. However from a price perspective alone I will have to go with the ebook version next time as importing the hard copy of book 2 here will raise the price by more than 10 times what I can get the PDF for. For some reason getting the second book is much much more expensive than getting the first book here and I have not figured out why - maybe supply and demand?

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As a BFSU user since 2009 or so, I vastly prefer the hard copy to an ebook version. Flipping around and bookmarking parts with colored tape works for me. I don't like going back and forth in an ebook - it frustrates me. We're finishing BFSU 2 now and moving into BFSU 3 next year.

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