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I need help with picking a book for a book club

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For the month of October, I need to pick a good book for our book club to read. any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Also, are there any websites out there that you can direct me to that would have suggested discussion questions for these books. What I'm thinking of is having some discussion questions handed out ahead of the time we meet, so while we are reading the book, we can be thinking about the questions.



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Well, I just finished reading The Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham. I watched the movie and had a credit on paperbackswap so I thought I would read the book to see how it compared. The book was very well written, intelligent and thought-provoking. The book itself has great material for discussion; however, the similarities and differences between it and the movie would also make for fascinating discussion.

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Try this link. It's a list of popular books complete with discussion questions for book clubs. I highly recommend A Thousand Splendid Suns - there is a lot to talk about. Others on the list that I liked are Time Traveler's Wife (I agree with nakitty, it's awesome), The Secret Life of Bees, Kite Runner, Three Cups of Tea, To Kill a Mockingbird. I'm sure there are other good ones on that list but I'm just not familiar with all of them.


You're so lucky you have a book club! All my friends that like reading and talking it over are far away. So I'm stuck with long-distance discussions for now.

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Some recent ones from my book club that everyone enjoyed:

Eat, Pray, Love

The Glass Castle

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress (but it's more of a novella than a book)

In the Company of the Courtesan


Some that had divided opinions:

Love in the Time of Cholera

The Patron Saint of Liars

The Time Traveler's Wife

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