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spelling program for voracious reader? kid just loves spelling?

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10yo dd is VERY interested in spelling - we have never done it formally here, but she keeps asking, and I want to incorporate it for her somehow next year.


She reads like crazy, and I think would love to be in a spelling bee (she's wicked competitive, but I'm 99.5% sure the public school's spelling bee is not an option) - are there other contests out there? even online?


Aaack, I feel lost on this. She likes Latin & LOVES logic - she's a thinker. Who desperately wants to do spelling (as her chosen "elective.")



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I have  "Uncovering the Logic of English", it explains rules, gives some word suggestions and is fairly "readable".  I pull out a rule or particular phonogram and make lists from that.  It really helps my DC to know the reason why a particular word is spelled the way it is, even if it's a "stupid" reason.  Seriously English spelling makes me crazy. The nice thing about this book is that it is a lot cheaper then the Logic of English curriculum. If I had had the $$ I would have bought the entire program but I'm still pretty happy with just the book.



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