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A visitor last week gave me a Yonanas as a late Christmas gift. We really like the frozen fruit dessert it makes. We have tons of fresh fruit we here in Ecuador that we can freeze, and when the temperatures hit the 100's, it tastes great.


If you have a Yonanas, what fruit combinations do you like? Have you tried adding frozen cream cheese or cubes of frozen yogurt? (if you think a Yonanas is silly and your blender does a better job, that's okay. But, I'm asking for input from people with Yonanas.)

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I have seen Yonanas and thought it was very cool, but does everything you make in it end up tasting like bananas?

That is probably the Stupidest Question Ever, since I know bananas are a primary ingredient, but I'm wondering if some of the recipes camouflage the banana taste enough that you don't really notice it. I like the idea of the machine and the type of frozen desserts it makes, but if everything tastes like bananas, I think I would get sick of it pretty quickly.

Thanks (and I hope I'm not hijacking your thread! :))

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I use a low proportion of banana to other fruits. For me, the banana taste is not overwhelming. And, the recipe book has some recipes that don't have banana. I've read that you can use yogurt or cream cheese instead of bananas. 


My favorite so far is strawberries, pineapple and bananas. I have some kiwi and papaya to freeze to try. 



I have seen Yonanas and thought it was very cool, but does everything you make in it end up tasting like bananas?

That is probably the Stupidest Question Ever, since I know bananas are a primary ingredient, but I'm wondering if some of the recipes camouflage the banana taste enough that you don't really notice it. I like the idea of the machine and the type of frozen desserts it makes, but if everything tastes like bananas, I think I would get sick of it pretty quickly.

Thanks (and I hope I'm not hijacking your thread! :))


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I use a low proportion of banana to other fruits. For me, the banana taste is not overwhelming. And, the recipe book has some recipes that don't have banana. I've read that you can use yogurt or cream cheese instead of bananas.

My favorite so far is strawberries, pineapple and bananas. I have some kiwi and papaya to freeze to try.

Thanks! :)

It sounds like it might be worth a try. Of course, I will wait for it to go on sale, because I'm cheap that way. ;)
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I have the Dessert Bullet, which I'm assuming is just like the one you have.

We actually burned out one and had to get a replacement! lol  We didn't let the fruit defrost enough and tried to force it thru.


We like strawberry and banana, and the berry mix (but not with blackberries b/c of seeds--too woody). We have coated the inside with a little vanilla and it makes things taste really good. 

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Mmmm, vanilla... thanks!

I have the Dessert Bullet, which I'm assuming is just like the one you have.

We actually burned out one and had to get a replacement! lol  We didn't let the fruit defrost enough and tried to force it thru.


We like strawberry and banana, and the berry mix (but not with blackberries b/c of seeds--too woody). We have coated the inside with a little vanilla and it makes things taste really good. 


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