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question for gluten-free people


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Yep, blood test first.  


After that, I think it's worth a shot - even if the blood test doesn't show an issue, it could be worth a shot.


For DS, the constipation didn't clear up instantly, but I think within a few weeks we could see a difference.  Then when we added gluten back as a test - wow.  That made it very apparent that gluten (or in DS's case, wheat allergy) was an issue.



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Ok thanks!  We will see the ped this afternoon.  Unfortunately, our regular ped (who already thinks I'm crazy, LOL) is out this week so we are seeing a different one, one who I don't particularly care for... but all I'm really after are (1) her favorite protocol for a complete and total clean out, and (2) a blood test for... what am I asking for, exactly?  celiac?  that's the only one there is, right?  maybe food allergies while we're at it or is that overly-complicated, i.e., does anyone know if they can do a RAST just for dairy and wheat?  (his twin brother has serious food allergies but we always do skin tests at the allergist for that.)  Any particular names for what blood test I should be asking for would be helpful.


You can do a RAST for whatever you want. All the major allergens wouldn't be a bad idea.


The celiac test is a panel of a few tests. One should be high enough so that you know the rest of the tests are accurate (IgA).


Three cheers for the clean out protocol. I hope she comes up with a good one. :)

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Yes, the RAST is a good idea.  :)


FWIW, on the topic of an actual allergy to wheat: my DS is allergic to wheat and dairy (among many other LFTAs).  But wheat and dairy aren't as serious for him, and they were not on our radar till the allergist just couldn't get his asthma under control.  We did the RAST, the numbers were high, and then did an elimination challenge.  So it wasn't gluten exactly, but wheat.  Since you've got another kiddo with allergies, that's worth considering.  When DS eats wheat (or dairy) his asthma flares, the eczema comes back... but his primary complaint is GI - constipation.  


I hope you find answers...


Some people seem to think that even if one is not Celiac or allergic to wheat eliminating gluten is helpful.  I can't speak to that, as we have actual allergies and Celiac (me) in the family, but it might be worth trying even if everything comes back clean.


Good luck!  I hope you find answers!



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ok, we are doing this in steps. first, an xray to confirm constipation status. then clean out protocol. then we will decide, especially if there is still pain after eating, about running the bloodwork.

and now I am sitting in the car with ds, waiting for the cop to show up, as we got rearended on the way home (we are fine, kust annoyed)

Oh, no! So sorry about your accident!!!


Perhaps we can support each other through this. I have one starting an acid reducer today, and if it doesn't work after two weeks, we're on to bloodwork. This is one of mine who has the wheat allergy. She was tested for celiac before but the doctor wants to retest with a lot of other stuff.


My other one who also tested positive for wheat but doesn't currently have GI problems ate a piece of pizza today with green peppers (another thing she tested as allergic to) and I noticed she was very spacey afterward. Since she hasn't had a direct reaction she's not really taking the allergy test results seriously but she's had fatigue and stomach issues in the past. I'm mentioning that because of something you said on your post of the LC board that made me think of this.

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You must keep him on gluten before they run the blood test and do the endoscopy. If they confirm celiac, and he goes totally gluten-free, he may need Miralax for awhile but my son felt better within weeks of going off gluten (he has celiac disease).  He had chronic stomach pain before that and it was worse at night. Going gluten-free almost immediately resolved the stomach pain, even though he was technically still constipated.

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Sometimes people do find that kids start self-limiting the gluten unconsciously before they are diagnosed which may explain his passing on the offer of cereal. If you think he may have celiac, you cannot eliminate gluten or they will not be able to test him properly. However you can offer some gluten free snack choices during his "bad" time of day like pirate's booty, chex, or popcorn.

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ok, we are doing this in steps. first, an xray to confirm constipation status. then clean out protocol. then we will decide, especially if there is still pain after eating, about running the bloodwork.

and now I am sitting in the car with ds, waiting for the cop to show up, as we got rearended on the way home (we are fine, kust annoyed)

Sorry about your accident!!


IMO, I would not wait for the bloodwork for celiac. There is no reason to drag this out. Just get the bloodwork done now. If it comes back negative you may want to pursue allergy testing. If that is negative, possibly consider the bloodwork is a false negative for celiac. It happens more often than you would think.  


I should clarify I am writing from the standpoint of a momma who took her kid to the doctor endless times over almost a 10 month period before someone suggested the blood test for Celiac. It really is a simple blood draw, and while it is not an inexpensive test, if it comes back positive you can make immediate plans to getting your child in a better place health-wise. To me, that makes it totally worth it. I really and truly think if I had seen my current ped from the beginning this would have been diagnosed sooner.  She's the one who pushed for the testing.

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