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Can I share something my ds9 did today?


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This is an excerpt from a writing exercise today.  This isn't for feedback, it's for your entertainment ;).  Feel free to offer feedback if you like, but the whole thing makes me chuckle & I just wanted to share :).


DS is 9.  We have done no creative writing work.  Ever.  Oh, no, not true.  The rare poem gets composed, but that's it. Our writing comes in the form of narrations.  We do write 4 days a week, just not creatively.


We're reading "Treasure Island" & he was challenged last week to do a story map of a pirate story of his own & this week to write it.


His story has exactly ZERO pirates in it.  Instead, it has loads of kitties.  I think he decided "creative" means "whatever I want."


Anyway, see if you can spot his inspirations.  I picked out three.  





Far, far away, in the middle of the Ocean of Sea Lions there was an island.  Not a nasty, dirty, wet island with the ends of worms everywhere, nor a dry, bare, sandy island with nothing to eat.  No!  This was Kitty Island.  Kitty Island had many mangoes & coconuts.  On this island was a village.  The village's name was "Meow Me Ow Ow Meow,"  in English, "The Village of the Magic Kitty."  It is called that for there is a myth that the Magic Kitty lives there guarded by one-million kitty soldiers.  Whoever catches the Magic Kitty will own it forever and become king of the island.


In the village lived the famous Rummy-2-Boots.  Also in the village lived the vile Death Beard.  Both Rummy and Death wanted the Magic Kitty but they could not get past the kitty soldiers.  One day, Rummy decided to visit the neighboring island Korgi Island.  On Korgi Island, Rummy rented one-million korgi soldiers.  When he got back to Kitty Island he retrieved the Magic Kitty with his korgi soldiers.  In the years that followed, with the help of the Magic Kitty, Rummy returned the korgi soldiers and exiled Death Beard to eternity in prison.  Rummy-2-Boots named the Magic Kitty "Fishmeal."




He pointed out to me that "Sea Lions" is a play on words.  "Get it?  Sea Lions.  Kitties on an ocean island.?"  And he thought he was quite clever ;).


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Good spotting y'all!  The Hobbit is in there for sure, & MCT (Fishmeal).  There is a graphic novel (series) called Korgi we have checked out many times from the library :).  So that's an inspiration too :).  I didn't catch Puss in Boots but I see it now!  He's definitely not shy about borrowing ideas :).  

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