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Did you watch The Little Couple last night?


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Wasn't it the sweetest moment when Will met Zoey? He is just a precious little boy and makes me smile every time he is on screen.


My heart broke though over poor little Zoey because she had no understanding of what was happening. I kept imagining one of my children being taken from everything he knew with people he had never met. The child was so traumatized. I hope she is able to move through it quickly.

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The orphanage or Will's caretaker did a great job preparing him for the adoption.  Little Zoey looked like she had little to no knowledge of what was happening.  She is so cute.   Will was adorable with her.  


I just love this show.  Everyone can watch it and you just have a happy feeling watching it.  


The turtle comment killed me :lol: .  


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I watched it and loved it and y'all have said most of what I have to say about it.


But as I read y'all's comments, I just had another thought (that I guess I'm going to cry through).  Monkey was even better prepared than little Will.  I did *everything* in my power to give her absolutely everything I could despite fighting for her also.  She had picture books of the O's.  She skyped with them regularly.  We talked about them.  She "helped" me send texts and pictures to them.  She slept with a stuffed animal they bought for her when here in November (she left the end of Feb, last year).  I sent her blankie she rubbed to go to sleep with her.  The language was the same.  And and and and....So despite her additional challenges (meth, four other homes before going to her forever home, etc), maybe with everything we did and everything the O's are doing (therapy, therapeutic parenting, etc), maybe she'll be okay long term.  


Wish Zoey could have had what Will and Monkey had.  I did see on Katie<?> yesterday that they did consult a psychologist to help them work with her.  They are going to do BEAUTIFULLY with her :)





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