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Thursday's Teachers Lounge 2-27-2014


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I kept thinking today was Friday so I finally decided to NOT wait until tomorrow to open the Lounge.

That being said, HOW and WHY has this week gone so quickly? Last week did, too! I just need it to SLOW DOWN a bit.

How about you?


Welcome to the Lounge, by the way. A place where parent/teachers can come in, kick your feet up, and have some fun,

food, and fellowship. I am currently tucking away at my breakfast of Van's Gluten Free Apple Cinnamon waffles topped

with strawberries, organic blackberries, and macadamia nut butter. There is still plenty of that left if you're hungry. Well,of

the fruit anyway. I only have three apple cinnamon waffles left. But there are also 6 regular waffles and 6 blueberry. All

are Van's Gluten Free because I have truly had to go GF this year.


What's news with you? Any new medical issues? I'm a bit better since January but I still had a pulmonary test yesterday and have

to get a thyroid test done.


What are you looking forward to in March? On my birthday, I will be going to get fitted for my very first pair of pointe shoes! I'm so excited!


What's on the docket for school today?


Talk to me!  :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!  Happy Thursday to you!


I'm starting day 3 of a prednisone/Metformin (to keep my blood sugar under control) protocol.  Day 1 was really rough.  Day 2 (yesterday) was pretty good.  I have no idea how today will be but I'm hoping it won't be rough.  Blood sugars and blood pressures are ok but I can barely keep my head up and I just got out of bed. . .   Ah well, my body likes to keep things interesting around here.


Your breakfast sounds very yummy and very good for you.  Please pardon my reach while I get some waffles and fruit.


School is . . . just normal today.  This means some drama with ds16 over Alg 2 is in the forecast.


Pointe shoes!  Woo hoo!  

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Eat an extra waffle for me please!  Since I am in a weight loss competition those will not be on the menu for the next 10 weeks.  But I am in 3rd place in the competition so far.  Next weigh in is Saturday morning.  I haven't really done anything drastic to lose weight.  Just consistent healthy exercising and eating low carb/high fat/high protein(my favorite way to eat.)  


Glad to hear you are better since Jan. I've had a lower back issue and leg issue for the last few months but since starting to exercise regularly again and stretching daily it has started to get noticeably better!  


I'm looking forward to Lent.  Its is my favorite time of year because its when I focus inwardly the most and tend to grow in my faith the most.  


So far the kids have played in their 'toy store' taking turns adding up the prices of their items and writing out receipts.  Still have phonics and reading to do.  The being so young that is all we actually schedule.

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Jean, hoping everything gets under control. And I can relate to the algebra drama!


Hjffkj, I am following the Paleo method of eating. And while the waffles, even gluten free, aren't necessarily on the eating plan,

I do allow myself 3 meals out of the week that aren't strictly Paleo.


I was just thinking about Lent yesterday, considering it starts next Wednesday! Not sure if I'm going to do anything particular or not.

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Blah, something in the waffles made my body react as though I'd had gluten. Which means, I am now feeling pain, but thankfully it is not severe.

Just need to figure out what brought on the reaction.

that's no good.  If it were me my first guess would either be the soy products or the natural flavor.  Soy tends to bother me and since you don't actually know what the natural flavor is you'd have no idea if it was the cause.  MSG can be labeled as a natural flavor, which causes me issues, and thats why I don't eat things with natural flavor as an ingredient.

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I vote for corn products causing pain too.  MSG and natural flavors are a great place to find bad things in your diet.


I have a wretched migraine today from a cinnamon exposure yesterday.   I'm having nothing but some grape juice today to help me swallow pain pills and nausea pills and any other  pills that sound helpful after that.  


March... Strove Tuesday is a highlight with pancakes for dinner.  Also youngest is spending a week at the zoo in a junior vet. Camp.

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This week has blown by but on the whole has been the most relaxing we have had in a long long while.  I took Sunday off work when my teens were away, sparks was cancelled monday, teens skipped cadets tuesday, there is no shooting tonight, and they took the whole month of feb off of kuk sool won so that means every night this week I have been able to come straight home after work and cook dinner and relax rather than run from one thing to the next.  It has been great. 

Health wise, ds15 switched one of his meds so that started today, and I started a new med today as well.  Next week I take the suppression test for cushings disease.  I am hoping for good weather on Monday as I am taking the kids for skiing lessons for the first time.


As for school today, the teens dia a unit of math incl test, will complete the last of their agriculture safety online course, dd14 had online latin, they will do english and french.  The youngers have math, AAR and KONOS.

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Karen, sorry to hear about your migraine. I think I would be very unhappy if I had to go without cinnamon! Hope you feel better soon!


Swellmomma, glad you're getting time to relax.


I think I may just have to forego everything processed aside from the occasional meat from now on! One thing after another . . . 

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Karen, sorry to hear about your migraine. I think I would be very unhappy if I had to go without cinnamon! Hope you feel better soon!


Swellmomma, glad you're getting time to relax.


I think I may just have to forego everything processed aside from the occasional meat from now on! One thing after another . . . 

Gluten free oatmeal with almond (or other non-dairy) milk?  

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Well, Jean, that would be okay if it was just gluten I had to avoid. I'm fumbling along the Paleo method of eating, for health reasons, so grains (oats, corn, etc) are out, too.

Like I said, one thing after another . . . But I'll figure it out.


On that note, I'm closing the Lounge until...TOMORROW. See you then!

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