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British resources for WTM?


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I've just started following WTM and am wondering if there are any resource lists out there specifically adapted for children living in Great Britain?


Not specifically, that I know of.  I've used a lot of Galore Park products, but I also used some of the American/other resources, like Singapore Maths, Handwriting Without Tears, etc.  Do ask if you have specific questions...


I put together some extra material to beef up both the UK and US aspects of Story of the World.  If you go to my old blog (in my signature) you will see the links in the right hand bar





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Also, I don't know where in the UK you are, but it's probably worth investigating museums etc. in your local area/region - e.g. we live quite near Oxford, and the Ashmolean museum there has fantastic collections for many of the ancient civilisations discussed in SOTW1 (I've only got book 1, so I haven't investigated resources for the later books at all).

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Ichthus and Conquest do take their materials to a very limited number of conferences (like 3 places some years ;) ) around the country. Mainly to churches. You might want to inquire where they will be and go and look in person especially if you are just starting with young children. I went to one in Coventry two years ago, Bristol last year. I had fun shopping at both. :lol:


Also when you are going anywhere loosely school field trip worthy look at the educational portion of the locations website. There is a wealth of stuff just waiting to be used. National Trust and English Heritage have pages of info for most sites which probably doesn't surprise you.

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