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Laying Down The Rails


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I love these. We have only done the first two habits but I find it practical and gives us a lingo of habits around which to communicate clearly to the kids. We pick a habit a month. We have missed the last few months and DH and I were commenting on how we really need to get back to it. I think it's an excellent series with training for the parent and practical discussion times for the kids. We do it at dinnertimes usually on weekends.

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I actually own the books & am thinking of implementing them. I've read the introductory information, but i need to be choosy because according to that you could cover all of them in 10 years. Yeah, well in that much time my eldest will be 23 & um, well you get the point. ;) I'm just curious how one schedules/plans them out. I'm not sure the author's plan was to be strict & schedule as much as just set aside a time to discuss, then act upon.. I need to pick one & look closely at the plans in the book to move forward from there. Sometime I just like a little hand holding. :lol:


I've listened to the Laying Down The Rails Seminar, but should listen again. I have the book & need to read it too. If you've listened & read are they identical or is there more meat in the book? Just curious as I've got many things on my "must read" pile right now. 

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I went ahead and bought both books tonight. The author recommended parents start with obedience, attention, and truthfulness unless some other habit is more important for some reason. I think we will start with attention. It looks like Laying Down the Rails With Children was worth the extra money because it has each habit divided up into many lessons, including games to play, poems to read, stories to listen to. One lesson for the attention habit has parents and children play a game seeing how many items they can remember seeing in a room or box. One of the books also emphasized having kids do shorter lessons for each subject with more focus.


Don't get discouraged hearing about a ten year time frame. Your oldest has probably mastered several of them already and others might not be important to you: singing, Sabbath keeping, etc. If my oldest can master just obedience, attention, truthfulness, and having an even temper, those habits alone will reduce the stress in our house by 90%.

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  • 1 year later...

We have the handbook and the two volume children set.  I read the introduction and the parent prep for Cleanliness.  I know they recommend starting with others, but Cleanliness is first so I just did the prep for it after I read the introduction.  I am not sure how we are going to implement the habit, but when we did the first few lessons we talked about habits we wanted to make as a family.  A few were to-- brush our teeth every morning and night, help mom tidy the playroom, and for dad to remember to empty the trash in the children's room more frequently.  I think I might make a chart for these to help us.  I'd love to hear how you have implemented the habits in your own homes.

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I have both books and we have done attention, obedience, truthfulness, and currently working on observation. We will work on patience next. I have spent around twelve weeks on each habit. Our family has really enjoyed them. Mostly, it reminds me to be consistent in those specific habits and gives our family a common language. Also, the key for us has been to not rush. I recommend starting with attention, then obedience. It's difficult for a child to obey your instruction if they have not attended to your words.

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I have both books and we have done attention, obedience, truthfulness, and currently working on observation. We will work on patience next. I have spent around twelve weeks on each habit. Our family has really enjoyed them. Mostly, it reminds me to be consistent in those specific habits and gives our family a common language. Also, the key for us has been to not rush. I recommend starting with attention, then obedience. It's difficult for a child to obey your instruction if they have not attended to your words.


I prepped for cleanliness so we just went ahead and begun with that habit, but I will follow your lead and do those habits next.  Do you do any review of the habits you've completed?

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