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Online writing classes/guidance

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I'm ready to begin actively looking at online writing classes for my rising 6th grader.  He's doing great in our current model, but I'd like a third-party to monitor his writing for a semester so I can be...certain.


I'm aware of Bravewriter classes, and there was once a thread on here that discussed a few other options, one of which was highly recommended, but I don't remember enough about it to find the thread.


If anyone recalls what I'm referring to, or has first-hand experience with an online class & could chime in..for the good or not-so-good..I'd appreciate it.





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When we started homeschooling, my then 6th grader did online classes with Time4writing. It is an 8 week class done asynchronously with a certified teacher that teaches writing and gives feedback to the student and grades. Basically, the website is a good description and representation of what it is. We were happy with it. It costs $99 per class. Their customer service was always helpful. I think they have a trial or $ back or something similar. Next month, my 4th grader with the basic grammar class. I liked not having to grade and she liked being accountable to someone else besides Mom. There is also Write Guide, which I'm considering for 9th grade. HTH.

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I've had a hard time teaching writing so I finally handed over to an online course. Both of my high schoolers use www.time4writing.com. I wasn't sure about it, but so far so good. They can go at their own pace. The lessons are all laid out and the teachers get back to them very quickly. 

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