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If you take 5-HTP does it keep you awake?


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I tried using 5-htp last spring but I found that it kept me awake at night - as if I'd had a shot of caffeine.   Since then I've gone off the pill and have had very emotionally destructive PMS symptoms.   I've read that 5-htp is one ingredient in some natural PMS remedies, so I thought I'd add it to my daily regimen which already includes Vit. B complex w/ C and magnesium (also ingred. in PMS remedies).  However, I'm going to try taking it during the day rather than at night.  I know I could sure use an energy boost anyway and I'm hoping it will help.


Does anyone else have the same problem with 5-htp?

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5-htp doesn't keep me awake, I take one am and one pm.  (I didn't notice any difference if i took only one.  I needed the double dose.)


another thought is using tryptophan, which breaks down into 5-htp and melatonin (which can help you sleep.)  that should only be taken at night - and don't take both trytophan and 5-htp.


also, for your b-complex, do make sure you are getting the vitamins in the most bioavailable form.  (i.e. b12 should be methylcobalimim, b6 is p5p, folinic acid/L-5 methyltetrahydrofolate (NOT 'folic acid' - yeah, there's a difference) etc.) they will be abosrbed far better, without taxing your liver nearly as much. they generally do cost more - but you're also using what you're paying for.


one thing I started for my perimenopause wackadoodle pms was relora.  it's a chinese herbal remedy.  big difference.

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5-htp doesn't keep me awake, I take one am and one pm.  (I didn't notice any difference if i took only one.  I needed the double dose.)


another thought is using tryptophan, which breaks down into 5-htp and melatonin (which can help you sleep.)  that should only be taken at night - and don't take both trytophan and 5-htp.


also, for your b-complex, do make sure you are getting the vitamins in the most bioavailable form.  (i.e. b12 should be methylcobalimim, b6 is p5p, folinic acid/L-5 methyltetrahydrofolate (NOT 'folic acid' - yeah, there's a difference) etc.) they will be abosrbed far better, without taxing your liver nearly as much. they generally do cost more - but you're also using what you're paying for.


one thing I started for my perimenopause wackadoodle pms was relora.  it's a chinese herbal remedy.  big difference.


I'd not heard of that. How long have you been using it?  And where do you get it. 


I'll check my b-complex to be sure it's the better kind.

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