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Could we do a reminder list for people preparing to lose power?


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We keep the generator full and have five 5 gallon jugs under the back deck, near the generator. It worried me to have it close to the house, but the temps are low outside so there isn't much risk of heat generated sparking. Dh also reminded me that still gas has low fume emission so it isn't a great worry. I'm not sure I believe him - but it makes my life easier to live in blissful ignorance. :sleep:


Hm. I guess that would be a possibility for us if we only stored it in the winter then threw it in the cars in the spring.  Our deck gets full sun and absolutely ROASTS in the summer. It'd mean no generator in the warm months, but that's not a big deal since my main concern is heat.


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You and me both.  We have a shed away from the house, but it still scares me.  Our power goes out 4-5 times a year for 4 or more hours, sometimes a day or two.  Summer before last, we were out for three days at one point.  All the neighbors with $$$ have propane generators that automatically switch on.


Our neighbor has a generator that's hooked to her gas line.  She doesn't even know when the power goes out in the neighborhood if she doesn't look out her window - or get a call from me asking if I can come over and charge our electronics!     It's very nice for her - she carries on just as normal.  It's a big expense though unless there are frequent outages.   But she is alone and her kids got it for her after Sandy. 


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