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Question for Jehovah's Witnesses (or other knowledgeable folks)


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My friend's son (in PS 1st grade) has a JW child in his class. The teacher sent home a note saying the boy can have 'plain cards with no hearts, cupids, etc. on them'. We think this means his parents approve of his participation within those parameters. My friend is wondering if a card with a picture of a dinosaur that says "You're Amazing" would be ok. Thoughts?

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I'll echo what the others said :) Sounds like it fits within the families given "parameters".  I'll say it's very kind of the teacher & all parents to be so accommodating. OTOH, I, personally, would hope no one bought "special" cards (in addition to regular Valentine cards) to accommodate us. We, personally, likely wouldn't participate at all with that in mind.


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I'm not JW, but I think that card should be fine based on what the note said. It sounds like they will let him participate with the idea of exchanging cards as a sign of friendship, with no actual reference to Valentine's Day or the imagery associated with it. I'm surprised she didn't specifically say no cards using the word Valentine; I've seen lots of cards with no hearts or cupids that still say Happy Valentine's Day or such. 



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