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VT just started and someone is grumpy

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She isn't complaining of eyestrain but she isn't a happy camper. I let her call her friend, even if it's during school hours, to try to cheer her up after using the program.


The therapist had me try out the program and after doing it for just a few minutes, I could feel it and continued to feel it afterward, even getting a little headache.


It's hard for me to understand why it's so unpleasant for her. Maybe that's just what it is.


Any similar experiences out there?

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Why is it hard to understand??  It's very hard work focusing to make those changes, and the brain itself screams murder because you're asking it to think a different way.  On top of that she gets a headache.  Absolutely let her call her friend!  That's terrific.  Snacks are good, field trips, decreased book work, whatever it takes.  Make it as special as you can.  :)

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DS got up bright and early and refused to do anything else but VT as his first thing...then deeply regretted that when he felt awful for quite a while afterwards.  This is hard on kids.  It just is.  I am so sorry your DD is having  a hard time.  We are trying to keep the load light.  I figure after the newness wears off and DS starts to feel like this will go on forever, his enthusiasm is going to die pretty quickly.  He already feels kind of discouraged that it is taking so much effort.


Best wishes.  And I love the suggestions OhE!

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The therapist had me try out the program and after doing it for just a few minutes, I could feel it and continued to feel it afterward, even getting a little headache.


This is probably part of why she isn't a happy camper--it's hard both physically and mentally, requires a lot of concentration and focus. It's hard, and we occasionally had tears here (even me!).


Hang in there!

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Thank you for all the feedback.  :grouphug:


I guess I expected that she would be tired, maybe have a headache, and want to take it easy, but I just didn't expect the scowl.  :huh:


After talking to her friend, she took a nap, and went to youth group last night, so the day ended well. The VT gave us a call after they got the report of her activities yesterday and told me everything looks good from their end.


I do want this to be a special time for her. Since she's going to hs next year, we may never have so much time together again. I'm considering the VT an investment in her future and am thankful that it gives me an excuse to take the load off a bit and concentrate on what's most important and what she likes right now. She's been spending more time on her coop enrichment stuff and that's nice for her, too.

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When babies are learning to control their visual systems, they get to be fed and sleep whenever they want. As older kids/adults we are still expected to do life and it can be exhausting. Some kids can state they have a headache or such, others are just tired and grumpy. My daughter is wiped out after doing lots of near work or doing anything that requires quickly shifting her focus back and forth from far to near - like tennis, racketball, etc. She's been wiped out sledding this week and I think it is from the fast motion making her motion sick with her vision.

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YES! In fact, when my DS had VT, our doc told me that my ONLY job was to make sure my DS did his therapy regularly, that my DS would hate it, he would whine and complain, and it would hurt, but there is no way to exercise the eyes without working on the exercises.  Indeed, my DS very much objected in the beginning, but he made it through.. AND, it did help him a lot.

She isn't complaining of eyestrain but she isn't a happy camper. I let her call her friend, even if it's during school hours, to try to cheer her up after using the program.


The therapist had me try out the program and after doing it for just a few minutes, I could feel it and continued to feel it afterward, even getting a little headache.


It's hard for me to understand why it's so unpleasant for her. Maybe that's just what it is.


Any similar experiences out there?


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