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Tell Me About Boots


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I have wanted a pair of really good boots for a few years, and now that I've finally broken down and decided to spent the $200, I've realized I can get a pair for half that (if only I'd known), but I don't know anything about good boots. So impart your wisdom on me you fashionable beauties you!! I'm particularly interested in brand names; ones to look at, and ones to avoid.


They have to be comfortable enough to chase the kids around for hours, but not wear out in a few months.



For the record I'd like something of this nature:



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I have wanted a pair of really good boots for a few years, and now that I've finally broken down and decided to spent the $200, I've realized I can get a pair for half that (if only I'd known), but I don't know anything about good boots. So impart your wisdom on me you fashionable beauties you!! I'm particularly interested in brand names; ones to look at, and ones to avoid.


They have to be comfortable enough to chase the kids around for hours, but not wear out in a few months.



For the record I'd like something of this nature:



ROFL - those are gorgeous, but I wouldn't dream of chasing kids around for hours in those. I live in the upper midwest. The high here tomorrow is in the -10 range. I have a pair of heavy duty sorrels for shoveling/outdoor play, a pair of Uggs for general day to day use - driving in the car, running errands, etc. And then I have a pair of black boots kind of similar to the ones you linked for nicer occassions. So I would say, it depends what you'll do most with them and what sort of climate you live in.


ETA - I've been using those 3 pair for a number of years. They all have had good long term wearability. My "dress" boots are actually keens, so they're pretty comfortable, but have no heel which makes them slightly more practical. Heels on the sidewalks there do not work at all in the winter. If I MUST wear heels, I carry them and wear boots!

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