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Fun activities for health?

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I posted a thread like this on the high school board and it fell flat too.  We never did pull anything together that I felt confident, so I guess we'll have to shoot for next year, ugh.  I concluded it would be easier to generate a list of topics and look for activities to fit those topics.  For junior high, you're still covering a lot of health in your science, most likely.  Apologia has a nice a&p text for the lower crowd.  By high school, I'm concerned about topics like depression, s*x, STDs (which are no longer called that, btw), etc. etc.  

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Teach your child how to suture a wound!

Okay. Just joking.

But Home Science Tools does have some neat kits, including a suture one:



We are doing anatomy this school year but I haven't decided what we will be doing beyond dissecting a few mammal organs.


I do have the Pollan omnivore book for kids. I may buy some fast food and let it sit out to see if it molds. We already buy new fruits and veggies on a regular basis to try but will probably focus on that for a few weeks grocery shopping.

Do you have any local farms or farmer's markets you can visit?

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