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DIY Whiteboards?

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I've found a few threads from years past about using shower board or tile board from a hardware store to use for giant, cheap whiteboards. Does anyone have one? It seems that the overall consensus was pretty mixed. Some people loved them & used them for years, but others found that they were difficult to clean.


I would think, for us, even if they do require some extra care, it would be worth it for the savings.

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We have one and we like it.


It doesn't clean well. New markers do better than older ones, but they all leave shadows. I bought a gallon bottle of white board cleaning solution from Amazon soon after we put it up and it has lasted years (and will last longer than homeschooling here). It isn't a big deal to clean it when it gets some marker build up. 


Someone posted the trick of using turtle wax on the board to make it erase cleaner. I tried it and it didn't help here. I would have preferred a huge, high quality board that cleans easily, but frankly, the cost difference isn't worth it. A 10 year supply of cleaning solution was something like $10 :). For us that was a win.

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My husband was going to get showerboard at Home Depot, but saw they also had sheets called Marker Board for a similar price. He bought that and it's great! It's thin, so it has to be mounted, but it cleans just fine. If I leave the marker up a long time, then I use Simple Green all purpose cleaner and it comes right off. 


Here's a post with a picture of how we did it:


31 Days of Organizing Homeschool Stuff: Schedule & Chore Board

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I also bought whiteboard from HD (or maybe Lowe's?) and we love it.  It is probably 3' x 4' and was not called showerboard.  I think it was called melanine or something, but I could be wrong on that.  I just asked at customer service for exactly what I wanted - whiteboard to use markers on - and this is what they directed me to.  I actually have four of them, and I use them on an easel.  They are thin and so a little "bouncy" for easel use (esp when DS tries to write on them).  It would be better if they were mounted, but I don't have the wall space for that (plus I like being able to move them around anyway).


Sometimes my marker does stain the board, but a damp Magic eraser has always gotten it totally clean again.  I think it is more the marker's fault than the board, in my case, since some of my markers stain worse than others.  I think the Expo markers do the best... I have another brand called Boone that I have tossed a bunch of for immediate staining (I write then immediately try to erase and they already stain!).  The Expos stain also, but only if I leave the writing a few days, and the Magic Eraser always removes it without too much elbow grease.


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My hubby just installed ours today.  He built a little frame to mount it to so it wasn't taped or glued to the wall and he used white trim around the edges to finish it off.  Ours is 4X8 I think.  We haven't tested it out yet to see how easily markers erase but I'm sure my little magic eraser will get anything off that lingers :-)

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My hubby just installed ours today.  He built a little frame to mount it to so it wasn't taped or glued to the wall and he used white trim around the edges to finish it off.  Ours is 4X8 I think.  We haven't tested it out yet to see how easily markers erase but I'm sure my little magic eraser will get anything off that lingers :-)

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instead of tape, I use wet erase markers for the lines that I want to be semi permanent and then I use dry erase for the other.


I have the top portion of my white board marked with boxes for each subject and the children's names in them  (done in wet erase) and the chapter/book/assignment for the week in dry erase.  I probably have to re-do it three times a year

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