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Monday's TEACHERS LOUNGE 1-13-2014


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I decided to open the Lounge today because I just need to chat! And it's not even school related! 


Had my Stress Test this morning, at 0730 (MST). Then roughly 20-30 minutes ago in Sprouts I felt out of breath

with pressure in my chest. Lovely. Right now I'm on hold waiting to talk with the doctor's office (at the VA).


Just wondering how I'm going to make it through my day, let alone the school day. I'm going to have the kids do the essentials today:

Bible, Math, English, Spanish, and my daughter's Biology. Beyond that, we'll see what happens. I will probably have them do the couple of 

Drive Thru History videos we didn't get to last week (God bless Netflix for those!).


What's going on with you today? Here: see above.


What's your weather like? Here: right now it's in the 60s.


Anything fun and exciting happen over the weekend? Here: Hubby and I had our new mattress set, with frame, delivered! Sleeping was so much



Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hope you've talked to the Dr.


Today I took the day off of schooling so I could put my house back in order.  Its been quite chaotic here and I just need to organize because my sanity is hiding somewhere under a pile of stuff!  Its is 44 degrees out today.  Much better than the 7 degrees we had last week.  My heater is no longer running constantly!


Over the weekend my youngest turn 1.  We were not planning on doing anything special for him, didn't even get him a gift because with 2 others he really didn't need anything and we don't have room for more things. But my other 2 kids asked if they could get their brother a gift so Saturday the whole family went to Toys r us and picked up a nice wooden toy he now loves!! We then got donuts instead of a cake.  It was a lot of fun! 


Wednesday is dh's and my 6 year anniversary!  I'll be making us porterhouse steaks for dinner (yummy!) He wants to take me out to a movie but doesn't get off work till 8:30 and the movie he wants to see doesn't start till 10:20pm.  Because of the late movie my parents said they'll take all 3 kids for the night!! WOOHOO!!! I'm looking forward to spending time with dh but I'm REALLY looking forward to having a few hours before he gets home from work to myself! 

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Hi ya, Scrap!  I hope that the doctor gets to the bottom of this soon.  Do you have asthma?


I'm still sick after a month straight of being sick.  I have another doctor's appointment this afternoon.


Today is a matter of trying to survive life and school.  


Enjoy your new mattress!


Weather is wet, gusty and 50 degrees at the moment.

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I just got home from coop and I'm slightly pooped. It's a mild 57 degrees where we are.


I also hope Scrap gets some answers to help and Jean feels better soon.


hjffkkj, enjoy your anniversary!


Julie, go sledding while you can!


I took dd back to college last night and it hit me harder than dropping her off for the first time. :(

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I feel like crying. Fender-bender on the way to our field trip today. Nobody hurt, no ticket or anything (technically my fault but at a problem intersection), but I just hate that it happened. (On the up side, DS behaved beautifully while we waited an hour for the police paperwork to be finished. And he is not known for handling disruptions well.) It was hours ago and I've still got the adrenaline, though it's waning.


I'm taking the car for an estimate in the morning. I suspect that this will mess with my schedule all week.

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I feel like crying. Fender-bender on the way to our field trip today. Nobody hurt, no ticket or anything (technically my fault but at a problem intersection), but I just hate that it happened. (On the up side, DS behaved beautifully while we waited an hour for the police paperwork to be finished. And he is not known for handling disruptions well.) It was hours ago and I've still got the adrenaline, though it's waning.


I'm taking the car for an estimate in the morning. I suspect that this will mess with my schedule all week.


Sorry to hear this whitehawk. I hope you're feeling better today.

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