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If you have Ellen McHenry stuff, is it still worthwhile to get Mr. Q's?


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Looks like Mr. Q's 50% off sale is going on now, so if I'm going to buy his stuff, now would be a good time.  But would it be duplicating to have his stuff if we already have Ellen McHenry's science units?  I'm not sure how much overlap there is.  Or are they different enough that it's worthwhile to have both science curricula?

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I haven't seen Mr. Q's elementary chemistry but the advanced chem one definitely goes beyond what is in the Ellen McHenry chemistry programs. There is some overlap, but as it's been 4 years since we last hit chemistry, I liked the review.


:iagree:  I don't know how old your kids are, but I have both the Ellen McHenry Chem materials (both Elements and Carbon Chem), as well as Mr. Q Advanced Chem, and I agree with CW.  The Mr. Q Advanced is definitely a step up.   The EH Carbon Chem does cover some organic chem things not in the Mr. Q, but the Mr. Q has more of the math of Chem.


I'm not sure about the "regular" level of Mr. Q - I've used his regular levels of Bio and Earth Science, but not the Chem.  My guess is his regular level would be either more around the same level as the Elements? 


I think the EH materials, followed by the Mr. Q Advanced a couple or more years later when math skills are farther along, is a good progression.

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