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Please help, Rightstart, Singapore or Math in Focus

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Okay, wanting help deciding.  I have always wanted to use Rightstart.  Have a lot of the manipulatives.  I have a boy that is doing Singapore 1B and quickly picks up concepts.  My youngest is 5, just starting math.  Soo....I don't know which one to use.


This is what I want, as a parent/teacher.  One that explains things well, to me, I like daily structured stuff, "teach this, teach that" type lessons.




let me know what you all think please.

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I love love love RightStart. The more I use it, the more I understand how well designed and complex it is. I'm a curriculum hopper for everything except RightStart.

That said, RightStart is TEACHER INTENSIVE. If you have seven kids, it may not be a good choice.


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Yeah, honestly with 7 kids I could not do it, I always wanted to and tried.  My oldest is married, 2nd oldest in college and my next two are doing their school pretty much independently so...I have two that I do a lot of work with and one a little bit so...that is why I thought I might now be able to do RS with my youngest two boys, just not sure I should do it with the one already doing Singapore, I like it, just feel like there is not enough "daily stuff" I personally do not do well when it gives you a list of things to cover at your leisure.  I DO well with a book that says "go over this and this, practice this today" etc.. 

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Yeah, honestly with 7 kids I could not do it, I always wanted to and tried.  My oldest is married, 2nd oldest in college and my next two are doing their school pretty much independently so...I have two that I do a lot of work with and one a little bit so...that is why I thought I might now be able to do RS with my youngest two boys, just not sure I should do it with the one already doing Singapore, I like it, just feel like there is not enough "daily stuff" I personally do not do well when it gives you a list of things to cover at your leisure.  I DO well with a book that says "go over this and this, practice this today" etc.. 


Oh, that makes sense! RightStart, IMO, is minimally scripted - it tells you what to do without being annoying like FLL. Also, though things sometimes seem random (a complaint I've seen), the order is exceptionally well considered. One example is a week that covers counting nickels, learning to count the numbers on the clock, and then finishes with learning the fives times table. These were all building up to the fives times tables but from different directions. Often I don't understand how things are building on each other until I've taught all the lessons in a set and then it clicks.


I'm finishing E with my oldest and on C with my second. My 5-year-old is using A with some friends. My kids all enjoy math and I enjoy doing math with them. They all understand it, too.



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I've used RS and SM.  RS has a lot of parent hand-holding- the lessons are basically scripted, the content is excellent, and my kid enjoyed it.  SM is also very structured, the HIG tells you what pages to do each day, but there is no scripting. 


The only thing I dislike about RS is that is wanders all over the place.  5 minutes of number skills, 5 minutes of shapes, 5 minutes of patterns...  And then the next day might be a game, clock work, and money.  It made me crazy, long-term, to not know where we were going.  However, I think using the materials and learning how to do things the "Right Start Way" made me a much better math teacher. 

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I thought I'd add... for SM, we do daily:  10 mental math problems from the back of the HIG as warm-up, cover textbook together on whiteboard, then I am nearby while he works on the wb.  When we get to a review page in the TB, we do it on the whiteboard instead of any WB work.  I do mental math problems + CWP after we finish a workbook for a few weeks before moving on the next WB.  So far, so good! 

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I have used RightStart through 1/2 of C, then switched to Math in Focus. I really love the foundation RS gave us. I had looked at Singapore, and I think the beginning of RS is superior to it or Math in Focus to start, particularly in level 1. However, any of them are good of course.


RightStart definitely tells you what to teach. It's very specific. The PP explaining how each direction is leading somewhere is spot on. It really is fantastic in that way. It drove me nuts though! I wanted to see where we were going and why! It doesn't road map you, but it does clearly direct the daily lessons. I think it might be a good fit for what you want.


Math in Focus, FWIW, doesn't have you juggling books. It's textbook lesson, textbook practice, workbook practice. You don't need a teacher's guide. I like Math in Focus. I like RS more, though, for the introductory material in B at least. I skipped from B to Math in Focus/Singapore originally, then eventually went back for 1/2 of RS C because I preferred the RS way of introducing new concepts. Then we left RS for good. RS never fit me as a teacher, but I'm still glad I used it. If I were teaching another, I would use it again. I have a friend who is using it all the way through. Her daughter is in D or E now. I see how well it has worked. I just really prefer the road map!

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Well...for me, the road map won't be an issue probably.  I think I am going to do RS through B and see where we are at.  I always tried it but never got very far, I have kids that love Teaching Textbooks but...I just really want to be more involved in their math in the younger grades, then we will see.  But..I don't want a lot of "figuring things out" AND I have a lot of the RS manipulatives already.  I have A, the old version, I may just use that and not try to get the new second edition of A, then get the second edition of B for my older boy.

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