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How do you use Schoolhouse Rock and similar DVDs?

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So I went a little nuts at Christmas and bought a bunch of these rock-and-learn type DVDs.  My kids are totally unfamiliar with this sort of thing.  We don't have a lot of time at home.  Wondering how to get the most out of these products.


So, how do you use them with your kids?

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Do you mean actual Schoolhouse rock or something else? I don't know what rock-and-learn DVDs are.


When my ds11 was smaller (about 8) he liked it when I popped in our Schoolhouse Rock DVD while he ate lunch. It was like watching any other cartoon to him. Then, we also found a CD of the songs and would listen to them in the car. A lot. A lot, a lot.


By him doing that I ended up knowing all the songs. Now, whenever we run into a topic we automatically start humming the song that matches. We stop doing school for a couple of minutes and rewatch the song that matches our lesson.


If I knew nothing about the songs, here is what I would do:


1. Find the lyrics online.

2. Match them up to my curric.

3. When a topic in one of the songs comes up, listen to the song a number of times.

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They were just favorite vids for DD. I think the way they first appeared on TV back when got the songs (and thus the lessons) ground into heads like commercial jingles. No surprise since it was done by ad guys.


We never made it a formal lesson, but we still sing "3,6,9...12,13,18...21,24,27.....30."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our library carries Rock and Learn DVDs and I'm familiar with the ones for Phonics and sight words.

I like to put the on in the evenings and I sit with the remote and the kids like to watch it. I pause it when its the "Your-Turn" type section so that the kids have a few more seconds to read it before it moves on because I feel that the move a little too fast....


You can go through the Table of Contents for them just like you would a book and see what you want to use and when OR you could just keep them in the car--assuming that you have a DVD player--so that you can play something educational in the car.

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