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Kindle Fire Question


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So they are $30 off right now with the code mayday30 and I was wondering if I should get one. I mostly want it for surfing the web at home, reading PDF files (like tm's), and reading books to my k'er. I love gutenberg.org, but I read a review there that kind of bashed the kindle fire.


Thoughts? I have a kindle e-ink that is a few years old, so the new purchase might not be justifiable, except PDF files on my old kindle are awful.

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I just got a kindle fire 8.9 and I love it. I also love Gutenberg.org and read the bashing remarks. 


The thing I don't like about my kindle is the ads. It's always trying to sell me something or get me hooked on a tv show. If your susceptible to that then don't get one. The bill could get high. I miss my Google apps store. There are some apps I had to switch to because amazon didn't have my Google ones. I'm still getting used to my calendar and period calendar, etc. I also don't like how expensive covers are for it when any other tab cover is half the price.


I do like it for holding my MM pdfs. I can look at them quicker now but I haven't found a way to view them that lets me add notes to them. And I wish my son could answer the questions on it with a stylist so I don't have to print anything. By the way kindled don't print to wireless printers that I know of.


I thought the negative would help more than my positives. I love the kindle for reading these forums, checking the news, reading Gutenberg.org books and library books, and for selecting amazon prime movies to watch later on the tv.


Hope that helps.

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I'm able to easily read pdfs on my iPad mini, but I think I'd have a harder time on the 7 inch Kindle Fire. The screen is smaller I think, but I have not held and used the newest ones.


Can you pinch open a page, on the Kindle Fire, to enlarge a section. I frequently use the pinch open feature on my mini, and it makes all the difference.

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I'm able to easily read pdfs on my iPad mini, but I think I'd have a harder time on the 7 inch Kindle Fire. The screen is smaller I think, but I have not held and used the newest ones.


Can you pinch open a page, on the Kindle Fire, to enlarge a section. I frequently use the pinch open feature on my mini, and it makes all the difference.

Tapping the screen enlarges the page on the kindle fire, at least on the first generation fire I have. I have had no problems watching movies on mine or reading PDF's.

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I have an ancient Kindle.  Love it, but it is first generation and I know it is only a matter of time....we got the 7" Kindle Fire right before Christmas.  I am still getting used to everything, but the screen size and clarity is fine and I have fragmenting vision so I need things pretty large or all the different images overlap too much.  So far, we love it.  

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I got a Kindle Fire HD when it was on sale on Cyber Monday (whenever that was....sometime after Thanksgiving, I think).  We really like it.  We use it mostly for games (I don't use it much myself).  There seems to be no end to the free games you can download (always read reviews first).  But, I wanted to say that you can pay extra for no ads, when I got ours it was an extra $15.  I did this because I didn't want my kid seeing ads all the time (not only do I not need her to want more stuff...I don't know what the ads are so how will I know if they are inappropriate for a 10 year old?).  I love not having the ads.  I got a case with a wake/sleep feature so that when you open the case cover it wakes up.  Because there are no ads, there is a picture on the screen when it wakes up.  I haven't counted, but there's maybe 10 to 12 different pictures that it cycles through.  They aren't like a specific picture of something, like a mountain or the beach...but more like a pattern or a design made from something (gears, filmstrips, the edge of a bunch of folders, etc)...it's kind of neat to try to guess what the picture is.  If you go with the ads to save a little, you can pay the $15 later to turn them off. 

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