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It's just clothes, It's just clothes


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The outfits baby girl puts together......


today we have yellow top, bright pink leopard cute skirt, printed aqua blue knee socks, really cute, styish pink/silver wedge sneakers.  I wish I would post a picture.    she is a creative one

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I've have two girls with SPD that I've just been thankful if they'd put anything on that would cover them enough to go out of the house. Right now, the only pair of pants one dd will wear has a big rip. I just tell myself, my older one grew out of it and so will she. I'm ALMOST beyond being embarrassed.

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Sounds like my girl. I love seeing her creations. I was so annoyed when Project Runway started focusing more on personalities than on the projects, because she would've loved the show! What I do now is just let her watch the runway part. Now that she's 8 she's been using fabric scraps to create designs for her dolls and paper dolls.


I had to stop her from dressing up the dog. We settled on a bedazzled, crazy collar and leash. Oh, and a Halloween costume. But she had to let him have his dignity every other day of the week!



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Yep! Mine too. I kind of like it, but it does get to be exhausting on the eyes at times :) I'm actually happier when the outfits are so outrageous that they could have only dressed themselves; it's the ones that are borderline matching that makes me think, "I wonder if someone thinks *I* picked this out." Then, I remind myself to get out of high school. 


My 3YO had been dressing himself for a while, and whatever he puts on his body (weather-appropriate) is OK with me. It's almost always backward. Yesterday was the first day he realized it, thanks to the double mirrors in his sister's dance class.

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