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Nursing while Pregnant? Advice?


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My 10 month old is still nursing, and he's only just started eating (some) solids recently.  I'm definitely not planning on weaning any time soon, and it's clear at this point that the bulk of his nutrition is still from breast milk.


I just found out I'm pregnant, so I'd love any advice from btdt pregnant and nursing mommas.


We've had a decently smooth nursing relationship.  His latch is so-so, but obviously effective (he's a chunky monkey!).  



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Congratulations on your pregnancy!  I nursed all through my second pregnancy and tandem nursed for 6 months until DD self weaned.  I am pregnant again now and still nursing #2.  I plan to tandem if DS wishes to continue.  



The best resource on this topic is a book called Adventures in Tandem Nursing by Hilary Flower.  It is really a wonderful resource and covers pretty much everything you could want to know on the topic.


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Congrats! I've done it with three kiddos. It's how I weaned three kiddos :) One returned to nursing after the babe was born, so we did have an extended period of tandem nursing. 


You can do it! Just make sure you have lots of good self-care going on: hydration, good food, good rest. 


At some point, for me, it became very painful, around the start of the 3rd trimester. There's a real decline in milk at that point, which I attribute to the increase in sucking/pulling. Not fun! Given the increase in nipple sensitivity, I'd try to help that latch...ouch!

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I planned on tandem nursing my first two but I found nursing at the end of pregnancy to be one of the most painful things I've ever done. It was like pins pricking my entire body. I'm no wimp--I've had 4 unmedicated births and I could not manage nursing while pregnant.


My advice would be to slowly work toward more solid foods just in case you can't make it. If it all works out ok, no harm done.

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I have a history of pre-term labor so when I found myself pregnant with #4 while still nursing #3 I thought I would have to stop.  According to my OB most women do not have a problem nursing through a pregnancy but because nursing can cause contractions I had to be extra vigilant.  Around 20 weeks I had to wean because the nursing was causing too many contractions.  That was my one and only baby that I actually had to wean.  The others just stopped when they felt like it (around 2yo)


Amber in SJ

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I've nursed through 3 pregnancies. It's certainly possible to nurse throughout a pregnancy. It's not the most fun thing I've ever done though. :-) The first one was the worst. The nursling was also the oldest, so I don't know if there's a correlation.


As others mentioned, many factors come into play with nursing during pregnancy. It is quite likely your milk will decline. So, you will need to discuss with your ped. what to feed your baby if that happens before he's a year. Milk production tends to slow at the start of the second trimester.


Also, it is important to get the baby to maintain a good latch. It can be super uncomfortable to nurse while pregnant, sometimes correcting a lazy latch can help.


Good luck!

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I nursed one throughout a pregnancy, and then the second self-weaned very early in this pregnancy because I suspect he didn't like the change in the taste of the milk (the taste changes almost immediately right after conception, from what I understand).


I found it kind of uncomfortable to nurse sometimes--it sometimes made me agitated and annoyed, in addition to sometimes being painful. But in that particular nursing relationship, weaning would have been more of a challenge than continuing to nurse. I limited her to a few sessions a day, and did a countdown when I was ready for her to unlatch.


A great book about nursing in pregnancy and tandeming is Adventures in Tandem Nursing. It's published by LLL.

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Hormones may make your nipples tender, it helps if I have something to distract me (a book to read, a video on the kindle, etc.) Milk supply will most likely decrease, for some women it dries up completely. Expect to compensate by feeding more solid foods, especially before bedtime or your little one may want to nurse all night.


I've nursed through part or all of four pregnancies, and tandem nursed twice. It is quite a commitment, but so comforting for the little ones. My oldest used to reach across and hold her baby brother's hand while they both nursed.


Congratulations on the pregnancy!

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Thank you all for the advice.  I knew I could count on the Hive!  I have no support locally (yet), and my mom is supportive but neutral.  She weaned her children around 8 months and doesn't know why I wouldn't do that if it was easier.  Don't even get me started on my MIL...





The best resource on this topic is a book called Adventures in Tandem Nursing by Hilary Flower.  It is really a wonderful resource and covers pretty much everything you could want to know on the topic.


Fantastic!  Looking it up right away. 


Congrats! I've done it with three kiddos. It's how I weaned three kiddos :) One returned to nursing after the babe was born, so we did have an extended period of tandem nursing. 


You can do it! Just make sure you have lots of good self-care going on: hydration, good food, good rest. 




I do wonder if he'll wean himself over the next nine months, but I'm hoping to let that be his decision not mine.  We'll see if my supply holds out (and my nipples!)  I have already re-attached myself to my water bottle; staying hydrated is a challenge for me.


I planned on tandem nursing my first two but I found nursing at the end of pregnancy to be one of the most painful things I've ever done. It was like pins pricking my entire body. I'm no wimp--I've had 4 unmedicated births and I could not manage nursing while pregnant.

My advice would be to slowly work toward more solid foods just in case you can't make it. If it all works out ok, no harm done.



I've nursed through 3 pregnancies. It's certainly possible to nurse throughout a pregnancy. It's not the most fun thing I've ever done though. :-) The first one was the worst. The nursling was also the oldest, so I don't know if there's a correlation.

As others mentioned, many factors come into play with nursing during pregnancy. It is quite likely your milk will decline. So, you will need to discuss with your ped. what to feed your baby if that happens before he's a year. Milk production tends to slow at the start of the second trimester.

Also, it is important to get the baby to maintain a good latch. It can be super uncomfortable to nurse while pregnant, sometimes correcting a lazy latch can help.

Good luck!



Thanks!  I can still remember the breast tenderness that hit around week 8 or 9, which is why I thought I'd get advice now.  It was no picnic before, and I didn't have anyone dining multiple times a day!  It sounds like finding a lactation consultant might not go amiss.  My little lazy latcher is not going to improve nipple sensitivity (nor are his teeth, which, fortunately he has learned NOT to use - ouch!).


Hormones may make your nipples tender, it helps if I have something to distract me (a book to read, a video on the kindle, etc.) 


I've nursed through part or all of four pregnancies, and tandem nursed twice. It is quite a commitment, but so comforting for the little ones. My oldest used to reach across and hold her baby brother's hand while they both nursed.


Congratulations on the pregnancy!


A distraction like checking the Hive on my phone?  :coolgleamA:


And I love the stories about tandem nursing.  No idea if we'll make it that far, but I would like to think I'm up for the challenge.  If nothing else, I'm going to at least prepare myself as best I can to be up for the challenge!


Again, thanks so much!  Keep the advice rolling in.  It took almost a year to get pregnant with my 10 month old, and this one happened right away, so I'm a little mentally unprepared and totally over the moon. (And bless the internet, so I can tell someone!)

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