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Calvert 6-- opinions desperately wanted


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I have a 11 1/2 yo dd who was gong to do most of her classes in a homeschool academy that would meet once a week for discussion and assignments and then she would have done the work at home. That got suddenly canceled today. She is a child that I was either going to have in a program like the academy or was going to enroll her in private school for this year just because she doesn't like to do work for me but those very well for others. My main option right now seems to be Calvert 6 with ATS. I am hoping the schedule and the teacher feedback will help. I also need ready made schedule that does not need much from me. I will be able to help her but just have no time to schedule and plan things for her this year. We are potentially looking at a very short notice move and possibly overseas and I was going to use the time she spent in academy to prepare for the move. Now I will just have to do it with her at home.


Has anybody used Calvert 6 and can you tell me about it?

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Has anybody used Calvert 6 and can you tell me about it?


My d 11 used Calvert 6 this past year. Between two of my dc, we have used Calvert 3 through 6, and I think Calvert gets better and more in depth after 4.


I think 6 is a solid program. It covers quite a bit and some of the lessons are quite intensive. I did not really like the grammar program, nor did my dd. I would probably supplement with something else if I had to do it over. It is very text-book heavy, but it gives a good overview in History and Science. Geography covers a lot of countries that you don't normally study. She liked the books they read, which included Phantom Tollbooth and King Arthur legends.


The ATS tests -- I didn't think they were worth it, to be honest. They are expensive and I just did not find the teacher comments to be all that constructive. No more than I could do, for sure. I would give more, I think. It is little more than a correcting service in many ways. You can get the tests and answers and correct it yourself for less money. And, it forces you to know what they are doing. :) There is a tendency to let the Lesson Manual do the work. Oh, and in 6th, it is written to the student, not the parent.


Hope that helps, some. PM me if you have specific questions.

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Have you thought of doing the new interactive Calvert 6 for her? They offer online classes in addition to the ATS service and books and all. I think it is really neat if you can afford to do it and it will definitely keep her on her toes. Here is the link. :)




In grade 6, the manual is written to the student. It requires very little of the parent teacher.

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I think 6 is a solid program. It covers quite a bit and some of the lessons are quite intensive. I did not really like the grammar program, nor did my dd. I would probably supplement with something else if I had to do it over. It is very text-book heavy, but it gives a good overview in History and Science. Geography covers a lot of countries that you don't normally study. She liked the books they read, which included Phantom Tollbooth and King Arthur legends.







I like Rod & Staff English and Inst. for Excellent in Writing better.

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We are on Calvert 5 this year and after teaching Calvert PreK, 1, 2, 3,4th and now 5th this year I can absolutely agree with the other moms on here. Calvert's writing and Grammar are awful ( not to mention the math). I would substitute , and ATS is okay.

We had gotten our ATS from our cyberschool and it was just so full of happiness and good that it never mentioned anything that needed worked on. Honestly you can get the same feedback from the moms here if you shared her writing and it would be free too:>)

Calvert is an insanely expensive curriculum that is full of busy work. If she gave you a tough time with school work before she still will with this. I've only used Calvert through a cyberschool because we just can't afford to homeschool on our own right now. But I've had to liven it up ALOT with things like lapbooking and so forth. Some children thrive off of this type of curriculum , mine don't. I really have to supplement alot.

Calvert is a good program but I don't think that one needs the ATS unless you really live in a state that requires paperwork from you.

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