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We want a tablet - which one is best for school use? Fav apps please


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Happy New Year to all!


Ok I think I'm finally ready to bite the bullet and get a tablet to use for homeschool and some fun things.


I'm trying to figure out is it essential we get an iPad for the app selection which is way bigger, or get an android?


For the price of one iPad I could get close to 2 Nexus 7s or other brands. I know some use their kindles for school use too . . .


Thoughts please, I realize Apple can't keep ahead of the apps for too much longer, but right now they do have the advantage there.


Oh and yes chime in with your favorite (and purposeful learning apps) because I know literally nothing in this area. !!


Thanks so much.

The kids are 4,6 and 8.



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We have an iPad Mini. We use it all the time. I keep TE's on it, use it for Lively Latin videos and audio, use BrainPop app with quizzes. Dd uses it on road trips. I keep my calendar, to do lists, shopping lists, book lists and use it as an ereader. I stream video/audio while doing boring household chores, and check email and WTM on the treadmill.


I was already "married" to apple devices with an iPhone 4, iPod touch and a 6 year old MacBook, but I briefly had another android tablet and I found it less user friendly (more ads in apps, that sort of thing). When it died four days into ownership, I decided to wait to get the iPad Mini (almost a year later when I bought it from a friend who one it in a raffle). I've borrowed kindle fires and nooks and didn't care for either.


That said, I have a really good case on it. Kid's can't just wander around with it (I tutor somewhat rowdy students). Even the mini's aren't cheap :o). So far, so good.

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We just ordered an iPad this past weekend and it's in transit.  Yay!

I've spent a lot of time looking at different apps and I've found this list helpful:



(she posts here, but I can't remember her username, sorry)


As well as this list of freebies (200 listed):



And I have Reading Raven on my wishlist, as well as Oz Phonics.

(And 2-3 "How to Train Your Dragon" apps for my dragon-obsessed kiddos. :D)

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Guest jcdunn

We have an iPad air and also a Samsung Android tablet in our house. The Android tablet is better for a few things but for educational apps the iPad is the best bet. The only downside of the iPad is the cost relative to the cheaper Android tablets.

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I have an IPad, and when I first got it, I bought over $100 in educational apps thinking that is how we would use it. Most of those apps were a waste for us. Of all those apps, the only one that we all loved that really kept the kids interest was Letter School. There were a few others we enjoyed - Articulation Station, Memory Train, Shake the States & Stack the States. I did also like Spell Board, but honestly haven't spent the time to keep the spelling lists updated. Most apps have since been deleted. Many were never used :sad: Many of the games have Lite or free versions, so be sure to try them before you buy them whenever you can.


What I didn't expect was how much I would love to have the tablet for teachers guides and PDFs. I absolutely love it for this reason. I primarily use Notability and the Kindle app for PDF viewing. 


I really can't recommend IPad vs Android. I have never searched for educational apps in the Android market. I had an Android phone and recently converted to an IPhone but only because of the effortless sync between IPhone and IPad.

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