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Dr. Hive - OTC meds for a chest cold


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Our 16-year-old daughter returned from a 3-day retreat with a chest cold.  She was stuffy before she left, so I sent some Sudafed with her and she thought it really helped her since she was able to productively blow her nose.  (She hadn't taken any Sudafed since Sunday morning.)


This morning she woke up and said while her head was finally clear, her chest was tight and it was hard to take a deep breath.  I will make an appointment tomorrow if she isn't any better, but for today:


1) I am going to have her take a long steamy shower to see if that helps.


2) Hot tea and/or chicken noodle soup - sounds silly but I think the warm liquids will feel good.


3) Should I give her Oscillococcinum or Zicam (I have both in the house)?


4) I wanted to add that she doesn't have a fever, but her entire body aches.  The weekend retreat was really really physical and while she is in amazing shape from being an athlete, she said she was sore in places she didn't know could be sore so I don't know how to tell if she has "flu" like or chest cold symptoms other than the breathing part.

Any ideas? 



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I second the Mucinex. Don't get the one with all the added cold medicines. It should just have guifanesin (sp?) in it. Take it with a large glass of water, and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This has helped me through quite a few bouts of bronchitis over the years. Luckily I haven't had it in a few years!!

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Is she laboring to breathe? If it is hard to breathe, Mucinex is not a big help. It's a big help when you are coughing and trying to loosen stuff. I would take her in to see if she needs albuterol/pulmicort. I would not wait until tomorrow.

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I gave her a Mucinex, but her chest is rattling a little so I called to make an appointment. No appointments until Thursday so I have a call into the nurse.


Crappy military insurance!!! She is too sick and warrants seeing one of their docs, so they want me to wait instead of sending her to urgent care.


Fingers crossed the nurse will give me a UC referral

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