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Sudden back pain in 12yo?


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12yo son suddenly has pain in the back on the lower right side. He says it is worse when he stands and a little better when he sits or lies down. He wasn't doing any lifting or anything recently, though he could have moved in an awkward way and strained it I guess. Does anyone think this could be a symptom of something bigger? Trying to figure out if this is an immediate doctor thing or probably just back pain.

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Back pain in kids is not common and often requires evaluation.


in this case, i would be trying to figure out if it is a muscle or strain issue of some sort.  i would probably tap on the kidney area to check for tenderness too.  If this just started and is not severe, I would probably wait to see what happens over a few days.  If the pain is really significant or there are signs of a kidney  infection, then I would not wait.

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