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The sky is falling...I think I have my first cavity, lol.


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I know, there are SO many worse things! I've never had a cavity before, but I'm having a slight pain in one of my teeth whenever I chew on it. I am such a baby - can I get an idea what to expect? I just remember my mom totally scaring us so that we would brush our teeth good, so now I'm wondering just how bad it is?!? Baby me, don't scare me, but let me know what to expect. I get really bad anxiety over the unknown.

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I got my first cavity at 29, but there wasn't any pain. Are you sure it's a cavity?


No. It's just been there about two weeks, so I figured if it was anything else, it would have cleared up. It's whenever I sit down to eat, the first few bites, and then it kind of dulls. Not a sharp pain, just noticeable. I go to the dentist every six months, and I think I'm supposed to go again in February.

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If it is a cavity, it isn't a big deal to get it fixed.  The dentist will generally apply a numbing gel to your gum and then inject Novocain.  You will feel the vibrations of the drill but NO pain.  Then it is filled and you are good to go.  The numbness may take a couple hours to completely wear off.  Don't try to eat before it does, because you may bite your cheek.



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It's possible it's not a cavity. Dh has no cavities but thought he'd developed one a few months ago because his tooth was hurting. At his checkup the dentist found no cavities but explained the pain could be caused by microfissures in the tooth that can't be seen on the xray. And these could possibly heal up on their own. A couple weeks later dh was no longer having pain. And still no cavities.


Oh, I now recall I was having something similar and since I have a ton of cavities from childhood I wasn't surprised at the possibility of having another cavity. But I had the same situation--couldn't find any cavities on the xray. But I was having a stressful time and clenching my jaw a lot then, and the dentist thought I might have developed microfissures from that. It's been a couple years and still no new cavities and no more tooth pain; I've been clenching a lot less lately.



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