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Oh no, not again

Night Elf

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I have family coming over tomorrow for an early Christmas celebration. I hosted Thanksgiving for the first time in years and felt stressed getting my house ready for visitors. Now I have to do it again and I have to do it all today. Plus, I haven't yet gone grocery shopping so I don't even have food to prepare dishes early. And I was just sitting here relaxing with my morning coffee when all of this hit me. How could I not have thought of this before this morning? This is going to be a tiring day, I'm sure.

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Night Elf, that would be me, too! Break it down into chunks of time. Is it possible to run all your errands in one chunk of time?
Plan out your route so you're not backtracking. Don't be so  self-focused that you refuse to ask for HELP. stage whisper: It really

is okay to ask for help!


As for cleaning up the house, here are some options:

Check out FlyLady.net for hints on crisis cleaning: pretty much breaks down into 15 minute chunks of time working in each room. After

45 minutes, give yourself permission to sit for 15 minutes, have some much needed water, and relax. Then start over. It doesn't seem like it

will work, I know! BUT I have done it myself and it DOES work. Also know that even if your house is not spic and span, your family would much

rather you be happy to see them and spend time with them then too tired to even be good company.


I'd say focus on YOU eating properly today, little to no junk food, boost your protein intake, do the 15 minute chunks of time and let it be.

If the house is not "perfect" when the arrive, so what! You've done what you CAN do and that is all anyone can rightfully ask of any of us.


You CAN do this! Just don't burn yourself out doing it!

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I am doing things in small bursts. I totally forgot I have to take dd15 for a hair appointment. That's going to take 1.5 hours. And I've been to the grocery store, but I forgot to buy the ham. Our main dish, and I forgot it! I'll stop by again after her hair appointment. I think we're having takeout tonight. I'm cooking for tomorrow. It will be fine. Dd15 already volunteered to help clean and if dd21 is home, she always helps.

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