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8th Grade for kids with Learning difference...regrets, plans, philosophies?

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If you have been through 8th grade with a kid with any learning issues. is there anything, looking back, that you would do differently and anything you are glad that you did in prep for high school?


If you haven't yet tackled 8th, are you focused on remediation, or  prep for high school level material, or just surviving until the next year or....?


If you are there right now, what are you hoping to accomplish this year?  How are you tackling your goals?  Any surprises?


I realize this is more the tone of a chat or general education type post since I am not asking for specific info on a specific learning issue.  and general questions like this don't seem to be posted here very often.   I just really am curious what the LC folks do with 8th grade, in all their various situations...Hope you don't mind.

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My dyslexic ds is in 8th right now. Still remediating spelling, working on writing. Public school is a real possibility for 10th, so feeling a bit of pressure to continue progress in those two areas. I'm happy with where we're at with math, science, history.


Looking back, it has paid off that he put in so much effort and we put in so much time with reading in grades 4-6. While he still reads at a slower pace than some, he has great comprehension and most days I have to get him to stop reading to get his schoolwork done. He can definitely find the information he needs for anything he wants to know. He is literate. Yeah. Now to make sure people can see that through his output...

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DS is 8th grade now. I am very relieved that he learned to type prior to middle school. My biggest regret is not pulling him from school sooner. My main focus this year is math, composition, independence/self-organization, and figuring out the most useful accommodations. I'm currently looking for resources to help practice sentence combining and writing more mature, complex sentences.


My main concern is his ability to write in a way that expresses his intelligence. I'm also interested in him mastering algebra and enough math to get through college level sciences for a non-science degree.

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Great questions!

I'm glad we focussed on writing. It is still difficult for him, but I know we worked hard on it. I have mixed thoughts about a few online classes he took. I wish we had completely finished Barton but there was only so much time and energy for 8th grade and those online classes took up a great deal of it. I wish I hadn't taken the difficulties we encountered with homeschooling so personally. Ds attends a private hs this year for 9th grade.

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One more: I am very happy for all the books I read out loud to my children. It exposed them to literature above their reading level, helped build their vocabulary and it helped me to share stories I value with them. Plus it contributed to some very fond memories of homeschooling. As you wrote, they do grow up fast!

I love reading with the kids.  You are right.  This is so important for so many reasons.  Oh, my goodness how I wish I had done that more often when they were little.  My husband thinks that now that I homeschool I should only read to them during the day, not when they go to bed since they are older now, but I miss reading a good book with each one while they are winding down,,,

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I am glad I did evaluations (and are still doing them in 9th grade).


I am glad that we focused on both strong and weak areas - didn't ignore either.


I am sorting out how his abilities/disabilities fit into college and how to best prepare him (not just academically).


I still read aloud to all my kids.

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