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Dr Hive - kidney infection or UTI? When to worry?


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I passed a kidney stone yesterday.  I thought I'd feel noticeably better, but I really ... don't.


Today I was just super tired.  Tonight I have pain in the same side, and an urgent need to pee often.  :(  Maybe it's just because of the stone, though.


When I spoke to my doc earlier today, she said to watch for signs of a UTI or kidney infection, but I'm not sure how long that would take to develop, or when to worry.  Should I give it a few days?


They checked my urine on Thurs, and again on Sat, in the hospital.  It was clear then.  The stone passed yesterday in the morning... 


Maybe I'm just disappointed that I don't feel like I'm bouncing back.  Hmmm.


What signs/symptoms should I watch for re: UTI and kidney infection?

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I was hospitalized for this a few months ago. With UTIs, the big tell is urgency and pain when urinating. It's a persistent discomfort. I'd had UTIs before. The kidney infection was completely different. I was so sick. I never did get that pain in my back/side that's 'supposed' to happen. I had a fever, a white cell count that was unusually high for a UTI, I was just so sick that I slept for a few days, I though I had the flu. There was some nausea and vomiting and no real appetite. Eventually I couldn't stop shaking. I just couldn't get warm. That's when I caved and went to the ER (because it was the weekend by then). I thought they'd fix me and send me home, but they admitted me for three days!


I still can't believe it got so far so fast. I've never been to the hospital except to have babies! That was no joke.

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Are you sure you had just the one stone in there? I have had several bouts with kidney stones due to my medications. Twice now I have had ultrasounds that showed a larger stone and much smaller stones.


So sorry you are dealing with this! After giving birth, multiple hip dislocations, and two serious car accidents I think kidney stones are definitely at the top of my 'ten' pain reference.

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Are you sure you had just the one stone in there? I have had several bouts with kidney stones due to my medications. Twice now I have had ultrasounds that showed a larger stone and much smaller stones.


So sorry you are dealing with this! After giving birth, multiple hip dislocations, and two serious car accidents I think kidney stones are definitely at the top of my 'ten' pain reference.


This was going to be my suggestion.  Are you sure you don't have another stone blocking?  Did anyone give you an antibiotic to take?

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Thanks. I'm so sorry anyone has had to deal with this. Ouch! And KFP, wow. Glad you are ok!


The CT only showed one stone, though it came out in 5 jagged little pieces. Maybe there's another piece, though I don't think the small bits are large enough to cause a blockage.


Today it's about the same. I am exhausted (but expect that, as I have adrenal issues complicating recovery times). Urgent need to pee often, and pain - but not the excruciating pain. No fever.


If it gets worse, or I develop fever ... I'll call the doc.


If you all have more ideas or advice, I'm all ears. Thanks!

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Thanks. I'm so sorry anyone has had to deal with this. Ouch! And KFP, wow. Glad you are ok!


The CT only showed one stone, though it came out in 5 jagged little pieces. Maybe there's another piece, though I don't think the small bits are large enough to cause a blockage.


Today it's about the same. I am exhausted (but expect that, as I have adrenal issues complicating recovery times). Urgent need to pee often, and pain - but not the excruciating pain. No fever.


If it gets worse, or I develop fever ... I'll call the doc.


If you all have more ideas or advice, I'm all ears. Thanks!


Pain where? In your urethra (burning when you pee), or in your kidney area? When you pee, do you feel like you get plenty out, or less than you expect? I too wondered if you might have a blockage. That was an interesting experience and wasn't what I thought it would be like. It felt like a dull ache in my affected kidney--not the sharp pain of passing a stone, but almost like a pulled muscle, maybe? Does that sound familiar?


I want to say that I read somewhere that it's possible to get a UTI after passing a stone because the jagged edges can nick up your tubes, allowing bacteria to settle right in, but I can't prove that. Either way, I might drink tons of water to see if I could flush it, but I wouldn't wait past tomorrow morning if I was still feeling any pain/urgency. 


ETA: If, when you up your water intake, the pain/ache in your side increases, call your doctor right away. If you are blocked, the pain will grow with the distention of your kidney.

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Pain where? In your urethra (burning when you pee), or in your kidney area? When you pee, do you feel like you get plenty out, or less than you expect? I too wondered if you might have a blockage. That was an interesting experience and wasn't what I thought it would be like. It felt like a dull ache in my affected kidney--not the sharp pain of passing a stone, but almost like a pulled muscle, maybe? Does that sound familiar?


I want to say that I read somewhere that it's possible to get a UTI after passing a stone because the jagged edges can nick up your tubes, allowing bacteria to settle right in, but I can't prove that. Either way, I might drink tons of water to see if I could flush it, but I wouldn't wait past tomorrow morning if I was still feeling any pain/urgency. 


ETA: If, when you up your water intake, the pain/ache in your side increases, call your doctor right away. If you are blocked, the pain will grow with the distention of your kidney.


Thanks for thinking through this with me.  I couldn't respond well from my phone earlier... so here it is now.


I have a dull ache on the right side.  No burning when I pee.  Just a constant dull ache.  No the sharp pain though.  Peeing less than I expect, mostly.  I'm drinking a lot, needless to say.


If this pain increases, I'll call the doc.  I hope it just goes away.


I'm still tired (but I have Addison's and after something like this, I expect to be tired), and DS mentioned that I seem worse today than last night.  Hmmm.  But unless it gets significantly worse or I spike a fever, I'll wait and see how it goes tomorrow.  


There is *so much* to do this time of year!  Aaaagggh.  

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